Includes German Railways 1974
Western Thunderer
Tony - How very could you?Those British ones above - rubbish pics, especially the 43xx![]()

Mick and Dave - yet again... Thank you. I agree with Mick about the beardy one and the one behind him, come to that. If you really enjoy these investigations I'm pretty sure there'll be more to come. Your details are so valuable in putting the photos in to context as well as providing an historical perspective in terms of how these locations have changed. I agree that this was more than a one day trip although I have no absolute proof of that.
Arun. You noticed my deliberate mistake...

I wonder what excitement (!) we'll have today.
Three similar shots of a positively sparkling Castle 7017 G. J. Churchward in Old Oak Common Roundhouse on 18th June 1961 carrying the Royal Train reporting number headboard. This had been allocated to Old Oak Common from August 1954 and was withdrawn in February 1963 after a period in store at Old Oak from the previous November. It was scrapped in January 1964 at King's, Norwich.

Castle 5091 Cleeve Abbey in Old Oak Common Yard on 18th June 1961. This has previously been in two 1963 photos. It was allocated to Landore in July 1958 and to Llanelli the day before this photos was taken, on 17th June 1961. It moved to Cardiff Canton in October the same year, then Cardiff East Dock in September 1962, Worcester in April 1964 and Tyseley in either late June or early July 1964 where it was withdrawn in October. (SLS). It was scrapped in November at Cashmore's, Great Bridge. (BR Database).

Hall 5942 Doldowlod Hall in Old Oak Common Yard on 18th June 1961. It had been at Shrewsbury since December 1959, then Tyseley in July 1963 where it was withdrawn in late November or mid-December 1963. (SLS). It was scrapped at Cashmore's, Great Bridge, in June 1964. (BR Database).

Back to Germany Rheine - Emden in March 1974 and two of oil burning 2-8-2 042 347-5 at Rheine.

Still in Germany Rheine - Emden in March 1974 but a break from the railways with a Mercedes bus, probably at Rheine. Other details unknown.
Edit: It's Rheine Bahnhofstraße - with the entrance to the goods yard on the right. The bus is the classic first generation Standard-Linienbusse - a Mercedes O 305 built from 1969 to 1988 either as a single deck variant (as shown) or as an articulated single deck bus.
In my eyes the Mercedes bus was a far better design than the two standard british equivalents of the period, the Bristol LH (1967-82) and the Leyland National (1972-85). In respect of the Leyland Nationals when I lived in Aylesbury you would often hear anecdotally the London Country drivers saying if you kicked the rear engine side panels it'd stop working.

Germany Rheine - Emden in March 1974 and an oil burning but otherwise unidentified loco at Rheine.
Edit. The unidentified engine is 012 063-4, it's certainly an 012 class, five wheel tender and rubber bellows are a give away and the checksum digit looks like a 4 and the last loco digit looks like a 3 or 8. The only two engines that match that criteria are 058-4 and 063-4 both Bw Rheine engines, certainly 063-4.
I'd go along with 012 063-4 as a year earlier 012 058-4 was retired from service on 12/04/1973 or 08/05/1973 (depending upon which record is correct) then transferred to AW Braunschweig on 20/04/1975. 012 058-4 was delivered to Bw Rheine on 12/12/1972.
It is 012 063-4, it's come off the shed, run up to the throat and backed onto Tims train is my best guess.
Note the oil line along the firebox, 063-4 has a distinct kink in it, (see img4091) now I haven't checked all my 012 photos, but of the few hundred I have, I've not seen any others with a kink exactly like that, plus in this case, same day, same photographer, too coincidental not to be the same engine.

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