Western Thunderer
So, at the risk of opening a can of nematodes on Simon's thread, what CAD systems would folk recommend? But please, not one that's going to cost two grand a year!
I use the free version of NanoCAD - a clone of AutoCAD 2D.
nanoCAD Free - Free 2D/3D CAD Software
nanoCAD Free is CAD application that delivers a great user experience by providing high performance, full capability, a classic interface and native DWG format support.
When the upgrade prices of AutoCAD LT became almost stratospheric, I moved to Draftsight, an LT clone which was free. But it also changed to a $299/year subscription a year or two ago, and I then found the free version of NanoCAD to use instead. It's not the latest all singing-dancing version, but it retains all the features that I require for my model railway drawing needs.
There are some tutorials around on YouTube - here's one :-
The free version is their Version 5 (the current version is 11
