Further progress:

The chassis has been soaked in paint stripper and is now in the ultrasonic bath. Some bits did not survive, the Slater's pickup frame bushes, unfortunately. I can soon turn some new ones, but the irony was that the floating pickups on this loco were made from, and therefore the right size for, the Slater's bits. I could have made them much smaller. Tant pis, as they say en France. I have relocated the holes as you can see to bring the pickups all down to the lower part of the frames, to leave space for the spring wire.
I've used the CSB calculator from the CLAG website - the only difficulty at present is the CoG is too far aft (roughly the centre pickup), and I might weight the front of the loco to move it forwards a bit. The loco weighs a kilo, more or less.
My plan is to use brass angle soldered to the chassis to carry the wire - the wire itself is 0.48mm piano wire, which I have in stock.
I have allowed for the deflection which is expected to be 0.82mm.
I plan to modify the Slaters hornguides by running a 1.5mm milling cutter through the upper flange

and similarly, the axleboxes, by milling a slot
and then soldering in a piece of 1mm brass with a hole for the CSB.
a plea to
@Phil O @JimG and anyone else who has built one - have I missed anything or done anything daft, before I cut metal?
I also thought it would be quite easy to make the front and rear CSB mountings on the frames adjustable by means of a screw from below, which would offer the opportunity to trim the height and get the loco level if for any reason, it doesn't come out right. Is this worth doing?