4mm Polsarrett: BR(S) N Cornwall Clay, The Final Countdown


Western Thunderer
In slightly disappointing news, I went to the printers yesterday to collect the backscene. This was due to be ready on Wednesday. On arrival there were blank looks, followed by an admission that it had been completely forgotten. Oh.

So details reprovided and a reminder that they already had the print file on their computer. As a plus from the situation it looks like I'm gaining some "Polsarrett" lettering for the front of the layout.

Back to painting the fiddle yards today. Used a different tin of primer this time. It's an old B&Q tin which has been kicking around for a bit but it went on really nicely. It's leading me to suspect that my painting problems the other week were due to the brand new tin of Ronseal primer/undercoat being a bit dodgy.

Mark F

Western Thunderer
Saturday morning overtime at Staffordshire Wagon Works.
I often give wagons a coat of primer at a fairly early stage in the build, as I find it helps highlight areas that need further attention. With that in mind the weather was too good not to get a bit of paint on a few bits, don't worry, the little wagons aren't for Polsarrett!


Western Thunderer
Great stuff Mark, it's a huge weight off my mind. Not having stock was starting to concern me a little.

I assume the two clays without buffers are the RTR efforts with the new underframes?

Mark F

Western Thunderer
I assume the two clays without buffers are the RTR efforts with the new underframes?
No, I'm going to see if we can get away with not painting them and just removing things like TOPS codes etc to back date.
Those are the 013 that you started and the unbuilt 013 which will be getting Morton brakes rather than DC
MBR trees arrive, first batch


Western Thunderer
As panic sets in I decided that it was time to have a bit of a stock check on where I'm up to with the scenics. I've also added in the 6 trees I got from MBR as recommended by SheepBloke and others. I was worried when they arrived that they would be too tall but I think they are ok.






Will look better once the backscene is fitted.

I think the height of the layout works well.


Active Member
Looking great, wish I was able to get to Taunton from Newquay.
Perhaps catch a train up for the day (I’ll check rail fare)
How far is RMWB bash from the railway station.



Western Thunderer
Spent most of today out in the garden. Weather was too nice to ignore and there was loads that needed doing. I certainly feel better for the fresh air and being able to think about something other than the trainset and work.

Having made the decision to play outside I also decided to address something that was bothering me. The nasty white primer / undercoat seemed to have teflon properties and the top coat wasn't sticking to it too well. A slight nick to the top and the white was appearing. Not good.

So out with the coarse sandpaper to provide a rough key and on with the grey B&Q primer. The garden was battled whilst the primer dried. Hopefully this will be a better base for the top coat. But of a pain though.