4mm Polsarrett: BR(S) N Cornwall Clay, The Final Countdown

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Perhaps when you finish Polparrot you can knock up a nice L&NER layout. No need for Panniers thereon.

You could have several models of Flying Scotsman instead.


Western Thunderer
Nice 43106. When I wus in art schol, a chap had paid to attend after he'd finished his national service and he latched onto me becassue of our shared interest in BR. The language he used when describing the Ivatt Cl.4 2-6-0's and BR Standard's was unprintable and I agreed. But time is a good healer and I fell for 43106 when it was on hire to Llangollen'. Maybe lined black Mucky Ducks were intended to be clean! :cool:


Western Thunderer
Nice 43106. When I wus in art schol, a chap had paid to attend after he'd finished his national service and he latched onto me becassue of our shared interest in BR. The language he used when describing the Ivatt Cl.4 2-6-0's and BR Standard's was unprintable and I agreed. But time is a good healer and I fell for 43106 when it was on hire to Llangollen'. Maybe lined black Mucky Ducks were intended to be clean! :cool:

Our train had 7 on Larry and the Mucky Ducky went well but was a tad slippy when starting off. Sounded good though working hard.


Western Thunderer
Perhaps when you finish Polparrot you can knock up a nice L&NER layout. No need for Panniers thereon.

You could have several models of Flying Scotsman instead.

I do have a FS in 00 from the kid's trainset. Not sure what to do with it now and the HST and the class 08 and the class 25 and the DVT and 91... Chainsaw?
Lanarkshire buffer stops


Western Thunderer
Bit of an off-board job this afternoon - making up some buffer stops.


Both from Lanarkshire Models & Supplies. The left is kit BS04 for a SR buffer stop with rail replacement buffer beam and the right is an example with the wooden buffer beam BS03.

I've nicked some sleepers of a length of code 75 bullhead flexi to make them up. To keep them electrically dead there's a tissue paper layer between the sides and the buffer beam. I've cut them short to better disguise the join between them and the bog standard Peco code 75.

Just released that the tissue paper was from @LarryG - part of the packaging around a very nice 7mm Lowmac.
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Railtec 3d printed plates


Western Thunderer
A batch of Railtec 3d printed plates and transfers arrived the other day. Must admit, having always previously used etched plates, I was a bit sceptical of what they would look like.

Took the plunge today and renumbered the 8750 as 4666 and the 45xx as 4569.



One of the plates before fitting...

1368 got replacement crests and a Wadebridge shed code.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Top stuff, Pencarrot.

That looks to be a quality product all round and certainly enhances your burgeoning collection of GWR models. As and when more Panniers arrive you'll be able to renumber accordingly and with some ease by the look of things.




Western Thunderer
Top stuff, Pencarrot.

That looks to be a quality product all round and certainly enhances your burgeoning collection of GWR models. As and when more Panniers arrive you'll be able to renumber accordingly and with some ease by the look of things.



That's definitely enough for the Polsarrett collection, 3 too many in real terms.

Those paying close attention will note that the locos being prepared for the 4mm Polsarrett are the same as those for the 7mm Pencarrow. Will be interesting at some stage to see them side by side.

Obviously the 4mm 1368 is in better condition than its 7mm brother! Oh, and I must reassemble the 7mm 4666 (the Devil's Pannier) at some stage. The 7mm 4569 should be arriving at some point this millennium from Dapol...

And no, before someone asks, I'm not doing the collection again in 2mm.


Western Thunderer
Hi Chris,

does this mean that you have taken the 'easy route' by using the same numbers in that you don't have to enter the numbers twice when you change scales with the DCC controller!




Western Thunderer
Hi Chris,

does this mean that you have taken the 'easy route' by using the same numbers in that you don't have to enter the numbers twice when you change scales with the DCC controller!



Morning Mike,

That would be a cunning plan, however... Whilst Pencarrow is DCC, Polsarrett isn't.

The original idea with Polsarrett was for it to be a do minimum quicky layout and the added complication (and cost) of adding DCC to locos didn't come into the equation. The control panel switch, various connectors, the Gaugemaster controller etc were all pinched off the trainset I made my son many moons ago.

That said, DCC can always be added later.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Perhaps the GWR/Western Region BLT will be DCC........?

I mean, you have a locos. Add a 57xx, a 16xx and maybe a Dean Goods or Collett goods and you are there.
A Toady and a B set will complete things.

Just saying.
Signalling plan


Western Thunderer
On a more sensible note, my thoughts have turned to point rodding etc. This is strange because my original thoughts were to have none, as it was to be a quick project.


The signal box front looks a bit empty without any rods and cable runs. And I do like the Modelu stools and cranks. And I needed to know how many levers the box should have (which is something that I should have considered before choosing the size of the box).

So a reasonably quick sketch which was preceded by some refresher reading.


My basic understanding of these matters seems to indicate that about 14 levers is needed.
  • 6 for signals (with only the up starter and down home on the board)
  • 3 for facing point locks
  • 4 for turnouts
  • 1 to unlock the gates (not sure if this is needed)
The diagram shows a catch point for the goods siding and this has been installed this afternoon (fake representation). I know there should be another one at the right hand side of the loop road working in tandem with 10 but heavy compression precludes this (unless anyone has a bright idea).

Thoughts welcomed.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
My basic understanding of these matters seems to indicate that about 14 levers is needed.
  • 6 for signals (with only the up starter and down home on the board)
  • 3 for facing point locks
  • 4 for turnouts
  • 1 to unlock the gates (not sure if this is needed)
The diagram shows a catch point for the goods siding and this has been installed this afternoon (fake representation). I know there should be another one at the right hand side of the loop road working in tandem with 10 but heavy compression precludes this (unless anyone has a bright idea).

Thoughts welcomed.

Probably around 20, as there would be a handful of spare levers - assuming you're detailing the interior of the box ;).