Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
View attachment 203228

On the subject of the P class, 178 and the other Hattons example, 753, will both require their buffers changing. As supplied they have the later Southern pattern parallel shank buffers as preserved. Hattons thoughtfully provide original tapered, SE&CR, pattern buffers with each.

Given the complexities of the livery etc, I'll wait until my hoof is definitely working before tackling the swap.

Has it had a bit of a heavy shunt? The footplate doesn't look straight. :confused:

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Has it had a bit of a heavy shunt? The footplate doesn't look straight. :confused:

Morning J,

Well spotted. All sorted now. I posted the images and noticed after that. The body was removed and the screws holding the footplate were loosened slightly, then gently retightened. Can't overdo the loosening bit as the cab and side tank handrails pop out and trying to refit them can be awkward if this happens.

Dapols Terrier ( 4mm ) suffered from this and same approach taken to solve.

If nothing else, it provides more exercise for the paw.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
They do look good and the livery is very well applied. The one thing that never seems to work on RTR models is all the brass bits... They either are way too shiny or too dull. Do you have any plans to do anything with these bits on this loco?

Morning Herb,

Good question and one that caused a bit of feather fluffing on the Rapido 01 thread when the subject of brass domes came up.

For me, I see two extremes. Hornby's H class and Dapol's D class have exquisitely executed Wainwright liveries but the domes and safety valve covers have been done up like Christmas baubles. Ghastly.

At the other end of the scale, Bachmann's C class and two of the three previously produced Hattons P class were dull.

Hattons produced No 27 and for me, it's the best representation of polished brass on the dome of all the models refered to above.

I'm not worried about the dull finish. By 1912 brass domes were getting overpainted in green following complaints from crews that they were being blinded by polished surfaces. The only ones I'll be tackling will be the H class, toning them down to make them less Christmassy.

Hattons are releasing a further version in SE&CR Wainwright livery, no. 325. No idea how the dome will be presented......but there's one on order, along with 178 which is being produced in the short lived 1916 wartime green livery which it seems to have retained until at least 1919......

Interesting stuff.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Yesterday saw the stiches out of the hoof and there's now more movement and less tingly stuff going on. Back with the Doc sometime in the New Year so put this to one side for now. After roughly tens days, post op, I do feel as if I have more feeling in the finger tips and less numbness in general. Certainly better than before and an improvement over the last 18 months or so.

Perhaps understandably, I'm looking forward to doing a bit of modelling and I will, once I work out exactly what I'm doing !

The last week has seen a few show invites drop in and if nothing else, I must make a list as a few have moved from their expected weekends/months. It's already looking like a busy year once again.

Therefore, more train stuff and less hoof stuff to follow.......yey !!!


James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Yesterday saw the stiches out of the hoof and there's now more movement and less tingly stuff going on. Back with the Doc sometime in the New Year so put this to one side for now. After roughly tens days, post op, I do feel as if I have more feeling in the finger tips and less numbness in general. Certainly better than before and an improvement over the last 18 months or so.

Perhaps understandably, I'm looking forward to doing a bit of modelling and I will, once I work out exactly what I'm doing !

The last week has seen a few show invites drop in and if nothing else, I must make a list as a few have moved from their expected weekends/months. It's already looking like a busy year once again.

Therefore, more train stuff and less hoof stuff to follow.......yey !!!

Hi Rob,

Was that a carpal tunnel op? I had one on my left hand about a year ago (I'm left handed) and it has really made a difference, although after a year there is still a bit of internal scar tissue in the palm of my hand that I have to kneed to keep it flexible. Much better than losing sensation in the fingers though!


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,

Was that a carpal tunnel op? I had one on my left hand about a year ago (I'm left handed) and it has really made a difference, although after a year there is still a bit of internal scar tissue in the palm of my hand that I have to kneed to keep it flexible. Much better than losing sensation in the fingers though!


Hi Nigel,

Yes, on the right hand only. They'll see how much of a difference it makes before doing the left. Had both done for the first time 12 years ago. Agree regarding the scar. Mine were tender for quite a while after and this one isn't disappointing !


James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Hi Nigel,

Yes, on the right hand only. They'll see how much of a difference it makes before doing the left. Had both done for the first time 12 years ago. Agree regarding the scar. Mine were tender for quite a while after and this one isn't disappointing !

Hi Rob

Best wishes for a full recovery!


michael mott

Western Thunderer
Hi Rob best wishes for a great improvement in your hoof, I had a second one done last year on my right hand, and it’s been very good since.