4mm Polsarrett: BR(S) N Cornwall Clay, The Final Countdown


Western Thunderer
No modelling for the past few days... Been sidetracked by things IT. No1 son's gaming computer to be precise.

The way of PCs are as foreign to me as train stuff is to my wife but I've managed to install a new motherboard, CPU and water cooled CPU heatsink. The physical installation was 'interesting' but sorting out the software and drivers was an absolute pig.

Apparently the results are ok though...



I think a logical approach and being used to often illogical or sparse instructions in train stuff helped.


Western Thunderer
First batch of 10 were cleaned up and the large amounts of flash removed from the armatures. Then primed with the usual Halfords primer. Having done those and got them tangled up again I decided to remove all the barbs from the branch ends.

Tree foreground left has the barbs, the remainder are removed.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
There needs to be a trellis up that bare patch of wall. Not all the way up, but as high as the top of the ground floor windows. Not sure what plant would grow up a trellis, mind. Green growing things are not something I’ve much interest in.


Western Thunderer
There needs to be a trellis up that bare patch of wall. Not all the way up, but as high as the top of the ground floor windows. Not sure what plant would grow up a trellis, mind. Green growing things are not something I’ve much interest in.



Western Thunderer
T’wasn‘t entirely tongue in cheek. My understanding of days of yore is that anyone who had a bit of space would plant something they could eat, and peas & beans climb trellises. I guess the other option would be fruit trees.