To recap slightly, I want this diorama to be a photographic base as well as a test track and a learning project for 7 mm scale. To this end, I have settled on bullhead track for the goods siding. Bullhead will look sensible under just about any item of rolling stock from Victorian times to the present day.

The road bed is two layers of card. I rather overdid the application of PVA glue (new scale!) and this had to be sanded flat afterwards. The bit of copper pipe was my rolling pin to squeeze out the worst of the surplus.
I have settled on a nominal sleeper pitch of 2ft 9in compared with 2ft 6in for the FB track. Both dimensions are somewhat notional, the idea is to represent a lightly-laid railway. If I discover the pitch at the Middy was smaller I can remember this for the next layout. Meanwhile, the code 100 rail looks about right to me with a 2ft 6in pitch so the code 124 can take slightly more.

The rail is Peco from the flexi in the previous photo and the chairs are from Kalgarin.

I have set the gauge here to 32 mm. Partly because I may end up with a buffer stop intended for 0 gauge, and partly because it seemed easier. The exit from the Setrack point is quite abrupt (especially after I trimmed it down), and I couldn't quite see how to flare down to 31.5 mm and then out to 32 mm in the space available.
I am imagining, the railway would lay a siding using standard lengths of rail, so I have closed up the sleepers and notched the rails to represent 30 ft lengths of rails. Because of this, the siding is two sleepers shorter than planned for.
This is my first attempt using ABS chairs on ply sleepers and assembly turned out easier than I expected. The solvent is butanone, and if a chair needs to be moved a knife blade slipped underneath it will free it.