At the moment, I am still trying to decide what I am able to build and what is sensible to build. What I want frequently exists only in abstract ideas such as "pleasing" and "achievable" and even "enduring appeal and usefulness".
To my mind,
a "finescale" model is one where a scale appearance is more important than ease of construction, robustness or reliability of operation. Others will have their own views, but fundamentally I cannot buy ready-made track even remotely suitable and so I want to go for handbuilt track, 9ft sleepers and code 100 rail; and I am now down in the noise floor pondering the spikes.

The cut-down staples are a better size.

The Peco spikes have a slightly tighter 'knuckle' (though there is still a visible radius) and are much stronger.
For some reason, I am happy enough with my 0-F wheel flanges being twice the depth they might be; but I am struggling with a similar compromise on the spikes. Painting will soften the appearance of the Peco spikes and make the ones from staples almost disappear. The camera will find fault with both.

I need the gap between spike and rail foot to make sure the spike doesn't push the rail out of gauge.
Putting in the Peco ones I broke all of the glued joints nearby so clearly I need something; and the Peco ones can make for a very sturdy construction. At a glance I seem to be tempering proprietary robustness against DIY appearance; but the track will be far stronger when it is built on a baseboard not in free space.
Better make a start I suppose