So, now we have internal lighting.
As Jeremy wrote earlier, the connectors would have made the job easier, but after a couple of false starts, I eventually got into a rhythm with the soldering iron.
Here is the result with a couple of shots taken during the build:
I think you get the idea.
Arranged around all four sides, I didn’t feel the need to attach a strip to the centre as there appears more than enough illumination for its size. I was going to keep it to the front only, however experience has shown that without a rear light, shadows are cast onto the backscene. Not a great problem but my eye gets drawn to it every time.
So there we are; the construction is now complete and I can return to some modelling when time allows, but this can be picked up and dropped as the mood suits.
One final word about the LED: when I took the pictures with my iPad, I couldn’t help noticing the strobe effect. Luckily, this doesn’t seem to have affected the photos, but perhaps this might be apparent to the photographers amongst us?