Thanks for describing the conflicting info about 61004, Martin
@Martin Shaw. I've checked everything I wrote and it's my references which have made the transposition of numbers. Without original documents it is, of course, always difficult to go back to source - in fact I don't have access to all the original sources - and to do so would take hours for each individual photo so I rely on BR Database/SLS and WHTS which may refer to any number of sources. In this case WHTS refers to Yeadons Vol 6 as the source of the report of the loco going in to Darlington on 23rd January 1964. This is a transposition of numbers by WHTS which in ignorance I've perpetuated. BR Database gives the correct date as reported in my commentary. The SLS references in BR Database, usually pretty reliable, reports the loco being withdrawn in December 1964 and as recorded in the commentary that was challenged by the BR Database record - clearly something was wrong with the date somewhere as we know the loco went in to Darlington in early 1964 and was cut up in the March so it could not have been withdrawn as late as December.
Hope all that makes sense... I'll correct the commentary with an edit. This in no way excuses my use of incorrect information but helps to explain, I hope, how such errors creep in. You'll be aware, of course, that I state my sources.
A2/3 60514 Chamossaire on the up West Riding at Wood Green on 27th March 1959. This was previously in posts #2539 and #2946. It had been on the New England allocation since 1948 and was withdrawn from there in December 1962. (SLS). It was scrapped at Doncaster Works in June 1963. (Rail UK).
A3 60059 Tracery at Wood Green with a down express on 27th March 1959. This loco has previously been seen in posts #2554 and #2671. 60059 had been a GC engine and allocated to Leicester since March 1951. It moved to Kings Cross in April 1957 and left Doncaster Works in September 1961 with smoke deflectors and was withdrawn in December 1962. (SLS). It was scrapped in the same month at Doncaster Works. (BR Database).
WD 2-8-0 90151 at Wood Green on a down freight on 27th March 1959. This was a New England engine from March 1947 and was withdrawn in May 1963. (SLS). It was scrapped at Doncaster Works in July 1963. (BR Database).
Another at Wood Green was N2 0-6-2T 69581 on a Kings Cross to Hatfield local train on 27th March 1959. The loco was based at Kings Cross from at least January 1948 (BR Database) and was withdrawn in December 1960. (SLS). It was seen at the Doncaster Works Scrap Road on 19th December 1960. (SLS).
J50/1 68891 hauling the empty stock of a Fred Olsen Line special at Wood Green on 27th March 1959. The J50 was a Hornsey engine from October 1952 being withdrawn in July 1961 although there is a suggestion that it was reallocated to Kings Cross a week or so later. (SLS). The Railway Observer confirms a withdrawal date of July 1961 and Yeadons advises it went to Doncaster Works for disposal.