7mm The Derby Line: Basford North


Flying Squad
To adjust the height of the track I would pack it with some 0.5mm plastic card for about 2 or 3 inches before the join, that should look nice and get the rails to the right height.

Also to add a little super-elevation maybe? On the 2mmFS group Laurie Adams posted this interesting video about super-elevation, slightly smaller scale so he was just using different thickness of copy paper to adjust the levels but looks very impressive.



Western Thunderer
Thanks Adrian - something to consider. I will use a short length of card underneath the plain track to improve the level.

I've been making up the station crossover. I'm still undecided whether to use plastic or wooden sleepers. In 4mm I always used wooden. I have had some problems with track going tight to gauge with plastic sleepers in 7mm scale in the past. So I have gone ahead and made this set with Intentio ply sleepers. They are a fraction thicker than the plastic track, but that should not present too much of a problem. The track was straight on the prototype, but everything is curved to fit in and transition curves are built in to the design to avoid that unseemly straight to curve change of direction. So it's all compromised from the original, but flows nicely. There was a philosophy that curved layouts are aesthetically better than straight. If I had time, space and money, I'd have done GC main line.. but I'd need a room three times as long..


Western Thunderer
Hillingdon clubs Grindley Brook layout has it to perfection.
The line creeps ever eastwards, the station crossover is installed as a well as the point beyond it since this photo. It has rained 2 days in 7 weeks here - the number of outside jobs seems to be growing exponentially, or is my other half just trying to keep me busy.... I have a layout to build!


Western Thunderer
Slow - but steady progress, the junction for Bulwell Common is complete, ready to be installed. The weather continues to be too good!

and in context:

I've been plotting the course of the backscene - its going to be tricky, but possible. Plans are fine, but once it starts to get on the ground, aspects and visual compromises become more apparent. I was determined to have a junction - that in itself had resulted in a lot of thinking time!


Western Thunderer
Thanks Phil -
I was experimenting today with my camera and tried some low level shots to see what they would look like. This would be the view looking up from near Vernon Road.

I originally designed the layout to come to pieces, but for certain parts it is just not practicable to do so as several turnouts will straddle board joins and I've been agonising over various solutions.. I had to call on the expertise and highly regarded opinion of 'er indoors. 'Why would you ever need to take it to pieces? - Don't over think it and just do it!' I can think of many layouts that are not designed to come to pieces.. looks like I am joining them...


Western Thunderer
Hi Tony,

Welcome to the gang! I had never intended to make my layout portable although it is built in sections. But it certainly makes it easier when trying to hide the gaps, and less electrical connections, etc.

As long as I can obtain a platform ticket in the future ;)....


richard carr

Western Thunderer

I can only agree, making the layout permanent will simplify no end of things, I wish mine had been built with that intention as I'm sure it will never end going anywhere.

How did you cut the curved base for the track on the viaduct ?




Western Thunderer
Visitors will be most welcome one day....

Some boards will be removable for maintenance, but there will be a big chunk permanently fixed..

Richard - basically, I laid out the Templot plan after cutting out the curved track section on the ply sheet making sure that the grid lines stayed in the correct registration, drew round it and cut it out with a jig saw. I spent a lot of time checking the alignment on that board and with the connecting boards.



Western Thunderer
I've been out in the garden a lot, but I've completed the next assembly, an outside single slip. Getting the electrical breaks in was a challenge as some short sections of rail needed section breaks, so I've had to resort to nickel silver baseplates at strategic places to maintain integrity. This also allows the use of flux cored solder as N/S will solder nicely with that without having to resort to flux.


Western Thunderer
Looks great Tony,
I have built a similar outside slip but right from the start I dreaded the time for when it came to wiring it up ! But fear not, two little " frog juicers " came to the rescue and they worked first time and have been totally reliable so far. I know your expertise in things electrical is far more knowledgeable than mine, but £16 for 3 juicers you can't go wrong.



richard carr

Western Thunderer

I can only second the use of Frog Juicers to switch the frog.
As I travel to the states frequently I got mine there, but I think there are quite a few different versions around in the UK now.



Western Thunderer
Gaugemaster do a very inexpensive version, but I haven't tried them so can't give any feedback on reliability.



Western Thunderer
Gaugemaster do a very inexpensive version, but I haven't tried them so can't give any feedback on reliability.


Hi Tony, JB,

Below is the one I use, these are from Gaugemaster down near where I live in Arundel, West Sussex.


I remember talking to the owner of a layout at Telford which had some complex pointwork, and he said the outside slips were controlled by some rotary switches, so thank God I found these little beauties. Nothing mechanical, you just need to solder the wires from the + and - feeds and the last wire goes to the frog and bingo...



Western Thunderer
Meanwhile I'm working in the other direction, whilst I agonise over some more decisions on the scenic side. The fan into the storage yard. I needed some long curved turnouts and unfortunately, the Peco curved point is 6foot on the outside radius, so that would not do. At least the ones I made on copper clad can be knocked up quickly in a couple of hours. They just need packing with some cork to match the height of the plain track. SLow progress 'cos 'er indoors keeps putting me on outside jobs.