7mm The Derby Line: Basford North


Western Thunderer
Hi Tony,

Looks amazing but that Charlie Chaplin needs to go, can’t you put it out in the garden?

It will keep the burglars away :D.



Western Thunderer
Yes - I must move him out of shot Martyn. Your not the only one creeped out by him!

I've been chugging away making turnouts, there is a whole group together beyond the photo. in the meantime I've put a DCC decoder in a friends Finescale brass Brit: 70021 Morning Star. It runs a treat, but I must get round to oiling the axles of the tipplers... Here it is coming off the link to Bulwell Common. It's nice to be able to test locos at home now, but I miss a cuppa and a chat with mates whilst we run a few trains.


Western Thunderer
I will!

I've been production lining the next group of five turnouts and they are now in the process of being installed. There is just a three line crossover with single slip and the main line can continue in to the storage yard. So from left to right, to Bulwell common, from Bulwell common, up line to Leen Valley Jn. and Bagthorpe Jn, Down line from Leen Valley Jn, Down line from Bagthorpe Jn, and Goods Yard headshunt.


Western Thunderer
Point production continues, but I've run out of point blades for the moment..

Track laying progresses further East, I guess there would have been room just to add the 'rat hole' to Bagthorpe Jn, but the complication of having a line underneath the layout and how to return it was more work than I wanted to commit to. I have to be realistic what I can achieve as a solo effort for the moment. L-R Headshunt, Down from Bagthorpe Jn, Down from Leen Valley Jn, Up to Leen Valley/Bagthorpe Jn. The Bulwell Common line to the right will be offscene.

I'm wiring as I go along. For some reason the short circuit buzzer didn't go off when I created one. Took half an hour to find it... Three bus's here, Up, Down and Goods Yard. Gaugemaster auto frogs for the diamond crossings and Tortoises in evidence.


Western Thunderer
I'm doing some preliminary work with the backscene. It will be mounted on the wall rather than the layout. It will be painted a basic sky colour. I have ideas on how to create the background. I have read and re-read Paul Bambrick's book several times.....

Meanwhile, its fun to try different loco's on the layout, the shape of things to come, 92069 and 63770:-
IMG_4542 (2).JPG


Western Thunderer
A rainy afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea to mock up the up line platform buildings, to see how they fit in with the back scene. First one is the clerks office, which wasn't actually on the platform, although the floor level seems to be set at platform height. With these in place I can examine the viewing angles. I've no drawings, so I've worked out the dimensions from some photographs.


Western Thunderer
Oh I do like big'uns when they're dirty ! :))
Seriously though, there is something about an 8 coupled freight engine when it's heavily weathered. They just look the part and that looks ace. :thumbs:



Western Thunderer
So it was out with the paint rollers to create a graduated sky, from darker at the top to a whiter at the bottom. It was recommended to put the whole lot in a line to get consistency ( Mr Bambrick's book ). I used two rollers , one for each mix. What I'm trying to get is a hazy summer sky. It is a bit washed out in these photos, but there are actually vague areas of white in the sky. I'm no artist though!

I think I will make up a composite background, but I've not been able to find views of many backs of 1930s council houses and the ones in Brayton Crescent are quite individual. However, for proof of concept I've trawled the internet and come up with this Photoshopped test piece between the two railway buildings. In the 60s of course they would all have had those metal window frames - I remember them well! There is a fence all the way along the back of the station ( represented by a redundant venetian blind slat ) , so that make makes a convenient break between the layout and the back scene. The image is also reduced to force the perspective. The waiting room is approximately at platform level. I want quite a low viewing angle - more a natural viewpoint, than having the background towering over the layout.

There will be a couple of council houses down on the left and the ground level will gradually rise up to that notch in the backscene.


Western Thunderer
The backscene progresses, and upstands support it with ( for the moment ) clips at the top and stops at the bottom - most of which will be below ground level in any case. The main compromise is where it has to bend around the internal corner of the building. If only I'd extended the building 6 feet.... and another 6 feet............. The Bulwell common line passes under the mock up GC built bridge and goes offstage through the backscene. That exit will be hidden by the road embankment. The pieces of cork are where I'm trying to work out the position of the Park Lane road bridge to create a convincing layout of the roads. Some lighting additions will hopefully improve the scene.