So hot on the heels of 510 comes 407. Not one to be out done by her larger cousin the goods yard pilot is now painted.

Well that's what I assume her duties will be...

Same drill as before. Citadel paints applied with a brush, fox transfers and my own artwork for etched plates.

Just needs a dose of weathering now. Although my aim is to give her a slightly lighter dose that 510 as the expectation is that she will pick up less muck in a yard than on an open road and maybe she will get a better rub down than her cousin as the crew might have more time between duties or on the other hand they might just spend all that time drinking tea?
I've allready featured the next two images but I make no apologies for reminding us all of what the model was like when it arrived in 2011

And more importantly the condition it was in when I dug it out of the storage box at Christmas.

And what a transformation. Something that is important to me is breathing new life into old models not just building new all the time. It's a different set of skills and judgements to make along the way. Perfection may sometimes have to be compromised a little but it saves something that someone else'l put time and effort into making from ending up in the bin.
Bring on the muck!