Megapoints controller
What are your initial thoughts on Dave's MegaPoint system old chap ?
I certainly like it and will use mine instead of the larger point motors, the servos pack quite a punch if needed and I like the fine tuning you can achieve.
Yep, I'm quite taken with this as well. I'm struggling a bit with the tech but it seems reasonably straight forward.
Yep, I'm quite taken with this as well. I'm struggling a bit with the tech but it seems reasonably straight forward.
Looking rather splendid at this stage, as for taking your time chap, sit down with a cuppa / beer and contemplate for a moment or three. I'm sure it will satisfy your inner needs afterwards.
p.s. far too many ( white ) detonators on they tracks !
At first thought, the only place you could really have one is to the right hand end of the Halt as a starter.
Any others would be "offstage"
Though you could just about squeeze one in to the left of the Signal Box... (c/f Goonbarrow Junction)