That is exactly what I found when laying my track (albeit outside) I now digitally snap everything and look at it on the computer before permanently fixing it down, a hugely useful aid to track laying in my experience.
All looking good by the way, I have to confess to feeling a bit sceptical about this scheme on the basis of there being too much track in too little a space, but as you have developed the setting around it I'm beginning to "believe" in it more and more.
Hi Simon, I had loads of doubts myself before finally committing to this trackplan which is why I built a mock up first. It is however a fairly large space (in a domestic environment) at 4m x 1m scenic area, and it's effectively just a loop and 4 sidings. I'm sure there are many that would kill for the space I have!
Most of the 7mm layouts I see on the exhibition circuit of a similar length either fit more track into the same space or the same track in narrower boards. There's a Bodmin North layout on the circuit that's very compressed depth-wise (from photos, I've not seen it live).
It's a home layout and, given the time and money that are going to be expended, needs to keep me entertained during both the build and operational phases and so needs a reasonable amount of track on it. A loop and a siding just wouldn't justify the effort involved or keep me entertained.
That said, the real Bodmin North was a semi-urban location and bounded by buildings or banks on all sides. It was big but still constrained. That's the look I'm after. The scenic side of things us what I'm most practiced at and I'm happy it will turn out ok in the end.
Looking at the fairly large spaces around the track that I've left for scenics, I'm happy with the balance. The buildings are all to scale (and very big!) and the platform width bang on the prototype, so no corners cut there.
I'm sure that some others given the same scenic area would add more track and look in disgust at the vast areas of wasted scenic space I have on my layout! ;-p
It's all a big compromise but I think I can, with careful scenic treatment, pull off an air of confined space. As the build gathers pace, the doubts are slowly being put to bed.