Monks Ferry: a layout for the Grandchildren.


Western Thunderer
"I was going to forego a turntable, the need for which was somewhat obviated by the option of a reverse loop..."

Quite the opposite! If you have a return loop (and enjoy the wiring challenges that it may pose) you will have locos that need to be turned! They can, of course, be sent off to the return loop again, but where's the fun in that?

Thanks for the benefit of your obs, Simon, but I’ve traced (on my poor sketch of the plan :() the path of a loco facing the terminus buffers, that backs out onto the mainline, runs round the ‘loop’, and finally back into the terminus facing forwards (in order to depart at the head of a train) again:


Here’s the gizmo to operate the loop:





Western Thunderer
The weather abated about two-ish, so it was out with one of my latest gadgets, and the 8’x2’ 6mm plywood sheets intended for the track base, which I frustratingly managed to cut into lengths of 8’ x 45mm strips:


…….and a couple of hours later, I had about two hundred or so feet of the stuff which should be enough for the Norman beams (seen here with several metres of 45 x 35(?)mm PAR, which will cut into blocks for inside the beams:


At least another job out of the way.



Western Thunderer
The turntable of which I made mention arrived in yesterday’s post, so this morning I gave it a go:

I’m very pleased with it, as despite being second hand, it lines up beautifully.

A bonus: on opening, enclosed was a pamphlet from the East Lancs Preserved Railway, stating that the proceeds from the sale will go to restoring a tank engine, which makes my purchase all the more worthwhile. Consequently, I’ve saved the seller’s details as they will be my first port of call in future.

Now back to cutting wood.



Western Thunderer
The turntable of which I made mention arrived in yesterday’s post, so this morning I gave it a go:

I’m very pleased with it, as despite being second hand, it lines up beautifully.

A bonus: on opening, enclosed was a pamphlet from the East Lancs Preserved Railway, stating that the proceeds from the sale will go to restoring a tank engine, which makes my purchase all the more worthwhile. Consequently, I’ve saved the seller’s details as they will be my first port of call in future.

Now back to cutting wood.

I like the idea of supporting restorations that way.
Can you share the sellers details please?


Western Thunderer
The priority was to fabricate two sets of beams which would serve to join the two outermost boards to the centre one, ensuring that they were level and accurate enough for fitting the required male and female carpenters dowels, which it is essential to fit at this early juncture .
Once achieved, the rest of the (three) frames could be built.

So in time honoured fashion, blocks of the required sizes were cut for the central part of the Barry Norman style beams, together with a collection of henge-like stanchions (I lost count in number in the late forties or so) on which the track bed would be carried. These were glued and screwed between the outside strips, shown earlier on the thread.

Now, I’ve read that the Norman beams are prone to warping, and mine were no exception:


That said, the screws still proud of the wood surface as in the previous shot, didn’t help, and after letting the whole dry for twenty four hours or probably more (it really is a piecemeal approach these days), the screws were countersunk, which for some reason slightly improved matters:


So, attention tenuously turned to fitting the dowels and bolts to hold the boards together.

Ensuring the assembly was as flat as possible on the bench, they were firmly clamped together:


Long screws purchased for the task were then used to screw then together so that the clamps could be removed for ease of drilling (screwing everything together is so long winded as I’ve yet to purchase a decent impact driver for the purpose, and despite the odd hint or two, my brother in law was reluctant to loan me his de Walt version….). Anyway, with the clamps removed, I reached for my drills…….only to realise thy weren’t long enough. So a day was spent hunting round for a specialist to supply a 7,5mm long drill, as the usual retailers only stock discrete sizes (B&Q alleged they did, until they cancelled my click n collect realising they didn’t) - I also picked up one of these:


….a 10mm brute for a tenner, to drill the holes to receive the M10 bolts, but what a palava trying to get it to drill through without a struggle. On the second hole, I managed to rip the back out of the rear ply strip after the scrap block placed beneath for the purpose, slipped during the wrestling match that ensued……….

So it was back out to Toolstation to pick up a spade drill for a reasonable fee, although it still didn’t prove an easy job, but better than the last.

Anyway, I managed to address one set of beams, although, for some reason, the holes for one set of dowels was oversize - same drill used and pilot hole - so I’ll drill another next time I’m at the bench:


Shown together with M10 bolts attached (appropriate washers were purchased in addition, and a set of wing nuts which are out of sight in the next shot):


I’m also going to fit another bolt just as belt n braces.

Incidentally, the boards will also be linked by split hinges fixed to either side of the joint externally.

Now, it’s on to the second set.




Western Thunderer
I submit this post, not by way of some new and exciting development unfortunately, but to report that earlier today - after sitting pondering somewhat - an uncomfortable thought occurred. I rushed outside to confirm my suspicions and was proved right: after all the effort I’d gone to secure a long 7.5 milli bit, I realised that in my haste I’d picked up the wrong bit from the pool of bits littering the bench. I was in fact using an 8 milli bit………hence the sloppy fits of the dowels on the first set shown in my last post!

Anyway, in fits and starts during the day, I addressed the second set of beams, although this time with correct bit.

Here are some pictures of the finished article, including one or two of how the dowels should look:


At my next visit to the bench, whenever that may be as grand parenting duties will take up the rest of this week, I’ll rectify the dowels on the first set.

Still, I’m pleased that the beams are now straight and the stanchions are level.

In the meantime, I need to pick up some more washers and wing nuts.

Cheers for now.



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