Monks Ferry: a layout for the Grandchildren.


Western Thunderer
The first turret is complete. I wanted to prime it but the atmosphere, although milder than of late, is still a little too damp this evening, so will have to wait for now.

Seen here, perched atop the second turret which I’ve started to construct:


And finally perched on top of the building where it will eventually be fixed:


Thanks for looking and many thanks to those of you for your ‘likes’.



Western Thunderer
Lovely stuff, Jon. The page count says it all

View attachment 207932


Thanks for your kind reassurance once more, Jan :)

‘Likes’ are always welcome, as I’m sure we’d all agree, Jan.

However, I appreciate that most readers are merely visiting out of curiosity than interest as, let’s face it, a Hornby themed layout, isn’t really of much of an attraction on a (in the main) 7mm/niche based forum, but still, it’s always a boon to receive acknowledgment, even if we’re just trying trying our damndest to get it ‘right’ :oops:

Moving on, whilst examining the hamfisted shots of my growing edifice, I couldn’t help thinking that Blackwall had had more of an influence on this build than I could have imagined: and I only new it existed was because of ‘The Wharf’ ;)

Perhaps that Freud guy was onto something :))



Roger Pound

Western Thunderer

It's a funny old world - you are producing a splendid model tribute to this building and yet my own recollections of Blackwall are limited solely to many journeys through the well-known road tunnels when my business regularly took me down there.
Keep up this fine work, my friend.

Roger :thumbs:


Western Thunderer

It's a funny old world - you are producing a splendid model tribute to this building and yet my own recollections of Blackwall are limited solely to many journeys through the well-known road tunnels when my business regularly took me down there.
Keep up this fine work, my friend.

Roger :thumbs:
T’is indeed, ol’ friend.

Likewise, I’ve only vague memories of a tunnel.

It was Jan’s interest and scale ‘based-on’ model that alerted me to this most intriguing of locations, which subsequently led me to this:

I doubt any of us could claim that we’ve no room for a layout after seeing this. Believe me, Roger, I’ve been sorely tempted. Another one to add to the long list of modelable locations for the future ;)

Many thanks once again for your kind compliment.



Flying Squad
‘Likes’ are always welcome, as I’m sure we’d all agree, Jan.

However, I appreciate that most readers are merely visiting out of curiosity than interest as, let’s face it, a Hornby themed layout, isn’t really of much of an attraction on a (in the main) 7mm/niche based forum, but still, it’s always a boon to receive acknowledgment, even if we’re just trying trying our damndest to get it ‘right’
It's difficult at times to find the right balance. Sometimes it's difficult to find suitable accolades that avoids the "me too" syndrome and a like is an easy option. However used judiciously I'd like to think it is appropriate, I have been looking at options that restrict the number of likes you can make during a 24hr period to effectively make them more "valuable". Your thoughts and feedback would be appreciated.

Otherwise, irrespective of themes or scales it the making of stuff that interests me.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
It was Jan’s interest and scale ‘based-on’ model that alerted me to this most intriguing of locations, which subsequently led me to this:

Disused Stations: Blackwall Station
I doubt any of us could claim that we’ve no room for a layout after seeing this. Believe me, Roger, I’ve been sorely tempted. Another one to add to the long list of modelable locations for the future ;)

Blackwall can fit into a 3m x 0.6m area (10' x 2' approx in old money). Roughly outlined in blue on this annotated OS 25 inch 1892-14 extract from NLS.



Western Thunderer
It's difficult at times to find the right balance. Sometimes it's difficult to find suitable accolades that avoids the "me too" syndrome and a like is an easy option. However used judiciously I'd like to think it is appropriate, I have been looking at options that restrict the number of likes you can make during a 24hr period to effectively make them more "valuable". Your thoughts and feedback would be appreciated.

Otherwise, irrespective of themes or scales it the making of stuff that interests me.
Hello Adrian, and thank you for popping in.

To know that skilled modellers such as yourself are prepared to visit is also reassuring, although I note you didn’t indicate whether you liked my ‘creation’ or not…..just kidding ;)

In all seriousness, Adrian, whilst I thank you for asking and recognise your quandary with the ‘likes’ process as described, I’m not really sure whether I’ve anything to contribute, other than written in my earlier text?

Rightly or wrongly, I’ve always considered the ‘me too’ syndrome can be more to do with the popularity of a modeller - especially if part of a group, or dare I say clique, and the ‘liker’ wishes to fit in - than the work that’s being ‘offered’, but if the offering is of a standard, then it’s difficult to differentiate, thus your considered rationing of the likes system as suggested, could be a turn in the wrong direction? Especially as there’s so much top quality modelling here to like, much of it going under the radar, so to speak, and I find myself constantly late to the party.

Once again, thanks for asking.



Western Thunderer
Blackwall can fit into a 3m x 0.6m area (10' x 2' approx in old money). Roughly outlined in blue on this annotated OS 25 inch 1892-14 extract from NLS.

View attachment 208018

Top stuff, as always, Dave, so thanks for sharing.

I’m guessing the dimensions are for those creating a scene using say Templot?
I reckon RTR trackage could be squeezed into something a little more accommodating.

Oh, and I’d curve the board(s) to match the permanent way ;)


Kev G

My profound apologies for intruding but the El Crapo micro needs a backscene, something sparse, city and grey. The fly in the anusol is wobbly hands, so either a rtr scene and I cannot remember anything remotely suitable. Any better ideas, maybe there is a source of realistic city backscenes….

Finally, does anyone recognise this rather nice industrial backscene, it looks like Peco but cannot find it in their catalogue, sorry but it was a Google download.

This is made by Townscene. Antics online model shop do them, about £3.00 I think

Tim Birch

Western Thunderer
Top stuff, as always, Dave, so thanks for sharing.

I’m guessing the dimensions are for those creating a scene using say Templot?
I reckon RTR trackage could be squeezed into something a little more accommodating.

Oh, and I’d curve the board(s) to match the permanent way ;)

It is interesting to see that even such a simple plan did change over time. The NLS maps also show the earlier plan in the 'town plan' type of maps which they have on their website. The cross over moved and there was a carriage siding. It is certainly a tempting site.


Western Thunderer
It is interesting to see that even such a simple plan did change over time. The NLS maps also show the earlier plan in the 'town plan' type of maps which they have on their website. The cross over moved and there was a carriage siding. It is certainly a tempting site.

Indeed, Tim; sorely tempting :eek:

Many thanks,



Western Thunderer
Just an update to report that the turrets are now complete and fixed in place:


Ideally, I’d have preferred to have laid down a primer coat to match the ground floor, however, inclement weather and the presence of a party of builders have proved a barrier to that form of progress (my garage is currently serving as an improvised tool store).

Work on the build will continue in earnest to make best possible use of this enforced period of restricted layout building, thus I’ll next be turning my attention to addressing the roof.

Annoyingly, I’m still uncertain about how the rear shall look, or indeed its proportions, and fear it may have to wait until I can lay out some track to determine. I’ve decided not to use the low relief concourse shown earlier, nor the accompanying station roof nicked from the Minories layout (looks incongruous with the main building and a tad too Great Western).

Instead, I’ve decided to design something more akin to Cannon Street, towards the end of steam, when the roof in the main had been removed.
Indeed, having flicked through my collection of stored images, one in particular has inspired (photographer u/k):


To that end, I’m in discussions with a manufacturer to create a bespoke version to suit my needs (a laser cut creation), which akin to the image above, will require the creation of a couple more turrets to support it.

In true trainset fashion, it will be sited only short distance from the terminal building due to size constraints of the baseboard, but such is the nature of the beast, the idea being to shelter the platforms beyond with simple canopies.

That’s it for now.

Once again, thanks for your interest.



Western Thunderer
Very interesting, Jon. I shall be further interested to hear news of how progress goes with your bespoke laser-cut project.

Roger :thumbs:

Howdy, Roger

Essentially, it’s a kit for an arched suspension bridge available to suit the usual scales including TT (incidentally, glad I chose to drop the idea of TT having seen the seemingly growing number of abandoned projects due to the unavailability of stock :eek:).

I found the kit(s) after thinking the disassembled Cannon Street roof in the previous photo looked like a narrow girder bridge :), so went on the hunt for something suitable. The arches on the kits as provided don’t reach the desired height, and it was at this point whilst enquiring that I was put in touch with the designer who kindly offered to amend at no additional cost. Currently, I’ve forwarded the required dimensions and will await a response; I’ll update as soon as I hear back:thumbs: Of course, I’ll provided fuller details when I know the outcome for the info of any interested WT-ers out there.

Currently trying my best to steer clear of the builders (good guys btw), but am called upon occasionally to consult/provide further instruction, which is difficult for me as I don’t like making decisions at the best of times:)) Plus keeping them refreshed, even though they’re more self-sufficient these days than of old.

Never mind. The boss, her lady ship, his home tomorrow so she’ll be resuming full control. Thankfully ;)

Hope all well,
