Hayfields work bench (an average modelers attempts at loco building)


Western Thunderer

I have finished off the hand rails but I cant go much further with the body until I get straight with both lamp iron positions, and decide what else needs fitting. So far I have two photos to work from, but I think I will go with the latter one at Swindon

So its patching up the painting of the chassis until I get straight in my mind what to do


Western Thunderer

Brake gear fitted, I then noticed I did not solder in place the bracket to the vacuum cylinder, its now soldered in place. I remembered to test for short circuits, all OK electrically

Last thing prior to painting is the lamp irons and front hand rail on the smoke box, I would like to solder them, but may end up glueing them

Also the etched screw couplings need making

Painting will wait till Spring


Western Thunderer

Smokebox hand rail fitted, now it will be sidelined until spring for cleaning and painting

Next up is an old build of mine, a Roxey Beatie well tank. The build stopped as I was having issues with both the Crossheads and having fitted 2 safety valves accidently.

First off is to see where I got too


Western Thunderer

The well tank out of the box, I need to both clean up the castings and assess where I got to, certainly repair rge hole on the top of the fire box and fit a new boiler band, I will take the body to the workshop and drill out the funnel

The chassis basically runs well, but from memory I had issues with the crosshead / slide bars. Again a good clean and oil first then finish off the chassis.

I need to check out some photos and just get on with it

I have a plan for a portable test track in the garden, perhaps this summer we will have a little bit of the west country in Essex


Western Thunderer

The hole was filled with solder then a new boiler band was soldered to the firebox, the firebox and boiler was cleaned up mostly with a 8mm fiberglass stick and a smaller one used for the corners.

I also gave the loco a test run, as its not run for 4 or 5 years it works well, I will give it a service as I go on. I do like these whitemetal kits as in my opinion they convey the mass real locos do


Western Thunderer

Buffers and steam pipes added and I have started to burnish the loco body. The body needs handrails, lamp irons and pipework fitting. Also the cab steps footplates need replacing, but that's the last job. Having issues finding out the positions and type of rear lamp brackets

The chassis needs the motion fitting as does the brake gear

Not a rivet counter build, just having a bit of enjoyment building a kit,

I have several options for the next build, one is a Springside 45xx, brought as a part build (incomplete ) kit, missing parts obtained. I also brought my self a Roxey Mouldings Adams Radial tank loco just before Christmas and just sold enough 4mm items to Buy a Roxey Mouldings SECR P class loco (inc wheels, motor & gears)


Phil O

Western Thunderer

Which set of springs are correct for the front pony wheel? You have a set above the frames and some that look as if they're hanging off the slide bar.

I'm no expert on things southern, but two sets of springs seems excessive.


Western Thunderer

Which set of springs are correct for the front pony wheel? You have a set above the frames and some that look as if they're hanging off the slide bar.

I'm no expert on things southern, but two sets of springs seems excessive.


You should know better than ask me some technical stuff, I just have not got a clue. As it happens its a LSWR loco, probably towards the end of an era where they had some exotic designs. You have just reminded me that I have the Sharman book of early LSWR loco drawings. I have just found a plan for an earlier version.



Western Thunderer
May I ask where you find these?
Cheers Julian


Thank you very much for asking the question, I opened up the box for a Roxey Adams radial I brought just before Christmas, to check what comes with the kit, low and behold there was nothing other than the whitemetal castings, etched chassis fret and brass boiler. As it happens I was going to phone Dave Hammersley to order a P class and on checking a kit he has left to sell is also missing these parts. You have done both me and Dave a favor

Anyway speaking speaking to someone else they use self adhesive strip cut to the correct width



Western Thunderer

Been out all day at the workshop (L&B heritage coach section) and decided to take the Well Tank in with my new drill set (1mm to 10mm increasing at 0.5mm) and drill out the chimney. It was quite noticeable that it was a solid cast chimney, the only issue was I forgot to take my digital caliper, so took it easy with both the depth and width of the hole. Still I only stopped 3mm short and once painted hopefully will look OK and the taper will not show


Western Thunderer

A quick heads up on this eBay item. A Roxey Mouldings Terrier kit, un made with wheels and motor, currently at £125 (less than the cost of the wheels. gears and motor pack


Hours of fun in building a super kit at not very much money and whilst the Dapol kit is super there is nothing like saying I built it

I have nothing to do with the kit or seller