Captain Kernow's layouts


Western Thunderer
Some more images, taken a couple of days ago, showing the area around the cottages and the chip shop in a much more advanced state of near-completion.

The lineside factory is in it's planned location, but hasn't yet been fixed down.

There is normally the road overbridge, where the plywood blanking piece is, but I can't put both boards up together in my work room. View attachment 221276
View attachment 221277

View attachment 221278

View attachment 221279
I do like those views CK, very nice.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Further scenic work has seen the surviving 'mound' of one of the disused platforms grassed over and the somehow still surviving Midland Railway fencing installed. More vegetation is to be put in place here.

The area behind the old platform has been painted and will eventually become the local coal merchant's yard.

The Taffson Evans factory has been glued in place, more scenic work is required to complete the 'bedding in' process, more vegetation etc.







I bought this rather nice little 3-D printed brick yard office from MS Models the other day, which has already been sprayed with red primer. It will go here at the entrance to the yard and act as the coal merchant's office:

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
I've just laid down a blanket fire of likes as I appear to have forgotten to look in just recently.
The pale mortared brickwork on the factory is especially pleasant.
Many thanks.

The brickwork on the factory is Scalescenes brickpaper.

The main part of the visible factory (the bit with the canopy and blue door) was originally one of their freebie kits.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Option B as an invited committee member...thanks Tim :D I prefer the way the eye is drawn around the corner of the houses rather than having the wall when looking down the lane.

B for me too Tim. Seeing the expanse of plain sky behind the factory has me itching to see silhouettes of industrial structures like those which grace Al Reynolds fabulous Cogirep.

A followed very closely by B. The reason being A breaks the sight lines up a bit, and wot Neil said about Cogirep!

I'm another fan of option 'B':):thumbs:

Strange to think that we were having this discussion over 10 years ago and I am only now hoping to be in a position to put option 'B' into action in a few days!
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Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
An updated view on the same baseboard, again looking towards where the main fiddle yard will go.

There is still a lot of scenic detail to be added to the already-grassed areas, plus the small brick building at the entrance to the goods yard. There is also a piece of brick walling missing between the factory gates on the right and the bulk of the factory, nearer the camera.

The backscene will run from behind the cottages, through 90 degrees and then behind the gates and the main factory, so the viewing side is from the left hand edge of the layout.

The line on the right hand side is the private siding access to another factory. The wooden gate on the right would at one time have been kept closed across the line, but it's now fallen into disrepair:

Slightly more elevated view (the cottages aren't permanently fixed to the layout yet, I need to make some pavement to go in front of them.

Another job looming is to get my mind around how servos actually work, how to wire them up etc., so that I can install the level crossing gates over the double track section and get them working properly...

Phil O

Western Thunderer

What method are you planning to use to operate the servos? I have some experience of using the MERG Servo4 equipment. I also have access to the Servo Set, to set them up.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer

What method are you planning to use to operate the servos? I have some experience of using the MERG Servo4 equipment. I also have access to the Servo Set, to set them up.
In short, Phil, I don't know!

I have some servos and (apparently) all the gear to get them set up and working, bought from a servo seller at a show a couple of years ago.

I'm trying to summon up the courage to open the box again and take them out and have a look at them....... I won't be able to shrug my shoulders again this time and put them back in the box, as I really need to get the signals and level crossing gates working...

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
More work has seen the scenery along the back of the layout advance to the stage where I was able to turn the board around this afternoon, to enable the scenery at the front (viewing side) to be worked on.

Prior to that, I took some photos around the chocolate factory private siding.

Telephoto view from the chocolate factory fiddle yard, back towards the layout (most of my P4 box vans haven't been fully painted and weathered yet!). The box van is standing outside the Taffson Evans engineering factory:

A small Hudswell Clarke 0-4-0ST, on hire to Cuthbertson's Chocolates, emerges from the factory:

Some empty box vans have been left outside Taffson's for collection:


The area in front of the brick office will be tidied up and the gap beneath the door dealt with:

The Hudswell Clarke has come as far as it (legally) can...

The board was then turned around, enabling easier photography of the work already done:

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
The sun came out in south Gloucestershire today:


Everything in both photos has now been permanently fixed down, except the signal box itself, which actually has a trapped nut inside at it's base, enabling me to bolt it in place and remove it as necessary.

Still more detailing to do in this area, especially around the area where the signal box steps are.


Active Member
The sun came out in south Gloucestershire today:
View attachment 224093

View attachment 224094

Everything in both photos has now been permanently fixed down, except the signal box itself, which actually has a trapped nut inside at it's base, enabling me to bolt it in place and remove it as necessary.

Still more detailing to do in this area, especially around the area where the signal box steps are.
Everything, Tim?
If the crossing gates have been fixed down then this is clearly a diorama.
Saves the trouble of wiring it up though.