New arrivals at Capel Bethesda...
Yesterday, postie brought me this lovely item (one of the recent Hornby releases), which I had bought from Larry Goddard, who has also weathered it:
78002 was based at Machynlleth for part of the time frame covered by Bethesda Sidings, so the back story is that she ended up at Shrewsbury off a booked working, and was then borrowed for a local goods down the North & West route to Leominster. Once there, she was hurriedly detached and used to work the Kington lines goods service, due to the booked engine (1420) having to return to Hereford for fitters attention.
Today, postie brought me this, which I bought from Tony Wright. This was also part of the Peter Lawson collection, like the two panniers featured previously. 84003 was based at Croes Newydd at the time, so also found it's way to Leominster and thence to working the Kington lines goods, via a similar caper as 78002.
84003 was built by Peter Lawson from the DJH kit and runs absolutely superbly.