Cheers Jon, been a bit of a battle. The slip up this morning was when I sprinkled some talc and coloured powder into the concrete paint colour and then brushed it. The whole lot went into a gooie mush that filled all the mortar joints and looked a right mess. It's not done that before. Rescued by applying thinners and scraping it off.
I've now fitted the doors and will call it a day on this building for now. Final tinkering will be done once I get the layout lit.
I also dug around in my old 4mm boxes and found a load of cast wagon loads. These were a bit bashed about from the exhibition circuit but were quickly touched up and placed in the store. The idea is just to make it look used.

Could really do with some seed sacks but they can be added later.

With the roof on you can't see much more than shapes in the gloom. I may eventually add a couple of small yellow leds in there.

With the roof off you can see a lot more.
Right, what's next?