
Western Thunderer
I'm glad I'm not the only one who does such things.

Thing is, I know there's another sheet somewhere because I counted up before starting and had enough full and part sheets to redo it. God knows what I've done with it?!

Oh well, will make the doors instead...


Western Thunderer
Back to the doors...

All the planking and framing of the front 4 doors is complete:

The fronts have a metal kick plate and wooden rain strip.

rps20190407_163042.jpg The rears have all the framing. Doing both sides enables me to keep options open on how to position them.

A start also made on the locks and catches.

I also decided that as the doors will be open I needed something at the rear to look through to.
Two pairs of low relief doors have therefore been knocked up. Seen here clamped flat whilst the framing dries but will then need trimming and sanding. They will be fixed to the inside rear wall (without clamps).

And no, that's not the missing sheet of roof material they are clamped to...
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Western Thunderer
For all the solvent work on the doors I've used this stuff:


It's a much less aggressive solvent and sods far the doors have not warped. That's a big plus. Being less aggressive it doesn't evaporate very quickly, so you have time to brush on to larger areas.

On the minus side the lemony smell does spread around the house, the solvent is quite sticky and seems to get everywhere. It also seems to turn the seal on every cap I've had on the bottle to a soft gunk over time.

Of course it takes a while to grab the plastic. This can be good as it gives you working time but also is a pain if the pieces need to be held whilst this happens.


Western Thunderer
Door update for those still awake...


The upper two are the ones that will be fixed to the inside rear wall. They are as done as needs be.

The lower two pairs are shown will one inside and one outside face. These are for the front of the building and will be positioned in a variety of angles from closed to 180deg open.


Western Thunderer
One of the doors (that which closes first) would have a bolt top and bottom, I believe. The one which closes against it will have only one bolt and this is used to hold the door open.

The lock then holds the door with one bolt shut.
