7mm Watery Lane


Western Thunderer
Ian, ask Mr Dyson about a track cleaner:) . He made one himself. Im going to be asking how he made it cus i will need one too;)


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Nice mix of coach types... must be a fair number of through coaches judgin by the number of breaks.

No OLE, must run on coal, ;)


Western Thunderer
Very Impressive:bowdown:. The 86 looks and sounds excellent. Righr that little clip has got me wishing mine was up and running, so off out into the garden, bye:thumbs:


Holy Moses! That looks great fun, erm, I mean gruelling testing...


Mid-Western Thunderer
:oops: Pssssst... when do we mention that the train was running Wrong Line for much of the time...??!!??? :confused: :rolleyes: :p

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Pssssst... when do we mention that the train was running Wrong Line for much of the time...??!

we do not.... after all, this is the Blue period when everything got rationalised - no OLE, no signals, no clips to secure switches which have been taken out of use. So the service is running on a line which is signalled for both ways running. Abergele anyone?


OC Blue Brigade
I have made my mind up you two are very naughty boys

Tut, tut, tut tut you don't miss a trick do you. I have only laid the down STOUR VALLEY line everything else inside of that is a SDG. The main line being called the DOWN FAST through the shed ( the loops inside the shed being No1 and surprisingly No2) and the DOWN MAIN through Watery Lane (the SDG being called the DOWN LOOP) every where else it's just the DOWN ROAD. the more observant of you may notice a set of points at Watery Lane this connects rather appropriately to the you've guessed it the UP MAIN, there will be another SDG here called..... you've guessed it the UP LOOP!!!!!!!!!. Two more SDG's called Tipton Gas, then when we leave Watery lane we revert to the UP and DOWN STOUR VALLEY lines. Gentlemen Testing means lets see if it works, not it's finished:)) . The layout of Watery Lane is an actual place and is authentic to the 1970's.:p

Oh and by the way it will be signaled with 4 aspect MAS (for the benefit of the 2 back row lurkers that is multiple aspect signalling):p and we are looking at idea's on how to cover up the layout so we can have 25Kv installed.

And lastly would you kind gentlemen please note! that the 86 is the most authentic, realistic model on the whole of WT as it is the only pure electric locomotive here, none of your steam locomotives with an electric motor in it, or diesel locomotives with a smoke generator, just as it is a power converter!!!!!!!!!!!:))

Simples even you pair can follow that surely


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Hi Ian, had a look back through your thread and I'll "get me coat" if I've missed it but when did your railway change from Tipton and Dudley Port to Watery Lane? Or am I the only one thats missed it and should I proceed directly to the "back of the class"???:confused::)):eek:


OC Blue Brigade
Your right mate a decision was taken as to the size of the boards and the sharpness of the curves that if we did away with Tipton (I wish) the focal point would become Watery Lane, where all of the interest is anyway hence the name change. The advantages Tipton does not exist anymore, longer loops, easier curves, less trying to get it all in. Someone once said less is more all I want to see is trains moving at their own relative speed being put inside with lots of variety.