7mm Watery Lane


OC Blue Brigade
What radius did you use on the inside Ian? Was it the 6ft with the tremmel to set the outer loop?

Mark the inside loop is 6ft and the outer one was tremelled from that. As you can see from the pictures the loop has arrived in the station area in roughly the original location, the Up line(next to the fence) will have to come at an angle to give the correct geometry for the South end of the long loop, so Dudley Port Stn will have to be slightly disfigured and not as it is in real life. Ho Hum so be it. My next move is to pack up the inclines as the one we did is a little bit on the springy side, no problem mastic underneath and push down till a uniform incline is produced.

Now we move on to the shed, what a bugger that is going to be. Where the wood from the shed wall is fixed to the framing for the supports holding the ply, I can see that the formation is tight and definitely not level, that is going to take some thought.


Western Thunderer
Hi Ian,

any chance of a sketch of the problem so that our 'collective thoughts' might be applied to try and come up with a solution?




OC Blue Brigade
I have an idea, does anyone on here do commissions for track building, the lift out section is just long enough to be able to accommodate a curved crossing, I have no idea how to go about it, anyone help please.



Western Thunderer
I have an idea, does anyone on here do commissions for track building, the lift out section is just long enough to be able to accommodate a curved crossing, I have no idea how to go about it, anyone help please.


Hi Ian,

Me & Rob know someone who makes track. I'll have a word with Rob.



OC Blue Brigade
UPDATE, progress so far. The problem with the North end took some doing but I think I Have cured it with a min 6ft radius curve and the thinning down of the board when in the shed, I allowed the rail to find it's own levels then packed them up and mastic (what wonderful stuff almost as good as a BLUE paint job) the JLTRT mk1's now go around it (but they don't like the reverse curves at the other end no problems as they wont be required to traverse them any way, the only reason I am using them is they are the worst riders out of the whole of the fleet). The Down fast is nearing completion and will soon be connected then let the fun begin.DSCF1343.JPG
the line on the left is for the slow. Goods and parcels only showing the reverse curves the one on the right the fast line.DSCF1344.JPG
The errant curveDSCF1346.JPG
Uncle mastic ( it dries clear)
Level and smooth
As close as I can get to the full layoutDSCF1350.JPG
Marsa's Kink + criticDSCF1351.JPG

The new point work allowing expresses to gain the Down line (Mark that's one of yours)


OC Blue Brigade
Good news I had yet another problem with the curved points to the fast line through the shed, problem solved it was down to an errant set of curved points and a cut in the rails after the frog, the gap at the nose of the crossing was HUGE and the loco's dropped into the gap causing the first set of wheels to derail, enter spare set and new flexi track, yeh haaaa. just leaving fettling left to do on the straights and then soldering droppers, then the inner track will be complete. The JLTRT coaches are causing a problem though,as they coaches have no extra weight in them the springs are not compressed (or just compressed dependent on your view point) so the wheels are not being pushed into any irregularities in the rail tops hopefully this will be sorted by the addition of extra weight.

more soon


Western Thunderer
been helping Ian out today (and now have grade 1 sunburn) and he now knows what to sort out;)

and a quick photo (hopfuly there is some video to come soon)


Flying Squad
Fantastic video - I bet you had a big grin on your face:thumbs:

I especially like the electric loco - fabulous!



Mid-Western Thunderer
Nice one!!! :thumbs: To think that just a while back, it had all been torn down and you had to start again... fantastic to see it running again so soon!
...and Blue Class 86...... mmmmmmm....:bowdown:


OC Blue Brigade
Looks like all the hard work is beginning to pay off now :D:thumbs:

What are you using for track cleaning Ian ?

At the moment Meths and a slightly abrasive rag(like a rough cut hand wiping rag) but I hope to have a track cleaning wagon added to the stud when I can find one.