Was trying to find the coupling rods, looked in my box of No.5 bits in the drawer anywhere.
Then it suddenly dawned I had them out and soldered brass tubes in them, they were sat on my bench in plain sight! Forgot all about them as it was a few weeks ago.
I stripped out the motor all back to the chassis looking at it now it’s pretty poor but I stick with it a sows ear it maybe but it’s had a journey!
There was much excess solder where I want the horn block guides to go, so spent some time cleaning that back.
Got the chassis in the poppies jig. That’s when I realised next I needed the coupling rods.
Funny thing on my bench I put my vice to my right as I’m right handed but cutting inline with the jaws meant I had to do do that left handed! Not had that before strange.
Bit of filing up required on those. Also work out how I should pair them up and bore/ream out the holes perfectly.
Then once I’ve got it all jigged up it will be an attempt to solder the guides in.
I’ve forgotten why I didn’t use the guides originally. I expect I mention it if I could be bothered to scroll back!
What I did was cut the slot in the frames to take the axle block then open up the axle block slots to the frame thickness. I think maybe as they are too tall but can be cut down a mystery. Anyway that’s what I intend to do and use just the holding part of the etch.
Thanks for the likes and the comment.
More soon.