Wantage Tramway Jane No. 5 in 4mm


Western Thunderer
Cheers Paul for the info. Yes great idea RE the rods on a fine flat file. I now remember I actually have the hornways! /guides for the hornblocks I bought 25 plus years ago. I wonder if I can find them!
Found em! They were there on page one of the thread when I looked back!
Bet you can’t get them for £2.80 now!
So how do you solder the guides without making the whole thing solid?
I’ll have to stick it in the poppies jig to start.


Western Thunderer

I still haven't got around to making a start on building my own copy of the etch!
So I am following your build with great interest,

Peter this is more of a how not to, rather than a how to! But hopefully you and others can learn from my many dead ends and mistakes! Cheers though. Dave’s thread over on RMWeb is the one to follow, if Dave put the photos back after the crash.


Western Thunderer
Was trying to find the coupling rods, looked in my box of No.5 bits in the drawer anywhere.
Then it suddenly dawned I had them out and soldered brass tubes in them, they were sat on my bench in plain sight! Forgot all about them as it was a few weeks ago.
I stripped out the motor all back to the chassis looking at it now it’s pretty poor but I stick with it a sows ear it maybe but it’s had a journey!
There was much excess solder where I want the horn block guides to go, so spent some time cleaning that back.
Got the chassis in the poppies jig. That’s when I realised next I needed the coupling rods.
Funny thing on my bench I put my vice to my right as I’m right handed but cutting inline with the jaws meant I had to do do that left handed! Not had that before strange.



Bit of filing up required on those. Also work out how I should pair them up and bore/ream out the holes perfectly.


Then once I’ve got it all jigged up it will be an attempt to solder the guides in.
I’ve forgotten why I didn’t use the guides originally. I expect I mention it if I could be bothered to scroll back!
What I did was cut the slot in the frames to take the axle block then open up the axle block slots to the frame thickness. I think maybe as they are too tall but can be cut down a mystery. Anyway that’s what I intend to do and use just the holding part of the etch.

Thanks for the likes and the comment.
More soon.