Richard Gawler
Western Thunderer
The irony went completely over my head. It's probably a good thing I mentioned weakening the assembly because I could have started to file away the little slots 

Firebox cladding is usually around 3 inches away from the firebox to allow for the insulation, in cases where space is restricted, the cladding would be cut back to make clearance for such things as quadrants or other operating equipment.
MW883 carries a piece of board or similar over its right hand bunker and the reversing handle is nowhere to be seen. I don't know what the diagonal rods are and it would be unwise to guess. Perhaps this loco is left hand drive?
I am intending to fit a reverser reach rod like this one on Allen's model. This reach rod is provided in the kit.
A further thought would be that the quadrant would be bolted to the top of the frame, it certainly wouldn't be bolted to the firebox, that moves with expansion. Perhaps your idea that the bunker is cosmetic may be correct.
Re: the quadrant issue. Could you not separate the two sides of the quadrant, file down the spacers a bit and then re-attach the sides. Maybe also thin the sides of the quadrant a bit as well.
Hi RichardThe pivot is a 16BA screw with a nut soldered on behind. The rest of the screw can be glued into the tube later.
This has used up one of my precious 16BA nuts. I understand they aren't made any more because the 1/16 inch hex bar isn't made either, but I can keep my stock and look at them; or use them.
They look good to me.