Mike thank you so much this is marvellous.
Well . . . I imagined these cranes were hand-operated. The only controls within reach are the handwheel to rotate the jib, and the long handle. So perhaps there was some kind of reversible ratchet mechanism inside, and operation involved repeated upwards or downwards movements of the long lever. To raise or lower the hook.
Gladiator have provided a hole on each side for the pivot of the long handle so I will make something and fit it onto my model. They haven't provided a hole for the thin pipe on the top. I haven't got a clue what this pipe would be for. It seems to be pointing directly towards the spindle of the large gear and small flywheel. It's a bit peculiar to be an oiling point. I think I will leave this off.
Yesterday I shortened my crane jib to match the overall length on your earlier photo and painted the jib too.

The short bit of brass road at the end is of my own invention but the jib looked a bit odd with the two lobes(?) sitting with free space between them.

I expect it is most improper for the tip of such a jib to be made as a separate part but the better appearance of the whole loco makes up for this for me.

The paint is Halfords "Volvo Dark Grey 228" over U-Pol no.8 primer. This is first time I have put primer and top coat on in the same day, indeed barely two hours apart. The air temperature was around 24 C. The Volvo dark grey is my preferred shade of "black". It will look better when there is a varnish on top to reduce the gloss.
I painted the crane base panel too. A couple of rather large specks of dust got between the two paints so I think the model will be getting some spanners or another oil can glued on here.