The Chronicles of Canary Sidings - the Tale of an Untidy Workbench

Chris Veitch

Western Thunderer

Some last minute mods in the living room before it got packed in the car were in order basically I had made a mistake in assuming the cbus boards
Can I ask what the adjustable stands are that you used for the layout? Meant to ask at Stannington and then forgot...

Dave Sutton

Active Member
They look like Wickes/B & Q Trestles, they are sometimes available in Aldi/Lidl middle aisle.


Western Thunderer
Yes, the Wickes-branded generic adjustable steel trestle (bench).
Can't see them currently listed at Wickes, but here currently is a really good price for the same units from a supplier I can recommend:
I found the Draper branded ones at just a little more - which I believe are a little better in some areas.
Even so I improved them by substituting heavier nuts/bolts and re-engineering the drop locking bar pins for the uprights (replacement bolt with a collar of nylon tube).

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Yep that's what they are. They provide various functions at home some of which are layout related but surprisingly we do actually use them for our house renovation.

Progress in devaluation of the diag 55 continues starting with the addition of the W irons mounting plate.

Whilst the araldite was out I also assembled another wagon kit I'm reducing the value of, namely a D&S kit for a diagram 68 3 plank open

As I said more rolling stock is needed so more rolling stock is being built...