Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,

Thanks for sharing in such an informative way

I've never really made friends with powders as yet so this is encouraging me to have another go

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,

Thanks for sharing in such an informative way

I've never really made friends with powders as yet so this is encouraging me to have another go

Hi Herb,

Top stuff but start on something you're not too precious about.........or.......

As I did here. Before I weathered my station building, I practised on a piece of Wills plastic sheet.




Which helped when I was messing about with a set of doors for an engine shed. Never did finish them.



NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Perhaps the final walk through is the work done to a Hornby Butterley waiting room to turn it into a building which was hopefully reminiscent of a Great Eastern branch line station building.

Although it was destined for a mid1950s setting, I decided to finish it in the first paint scheme adopted by the newly formed L&NER. My theory was being that being a backwater, it was due for a repaint in 1939 but it never happened. Therefore, the paint was now some 30 years old and somewhat dilapidated as a result.

So, not having painted a timber building to this level of dilapidation, I spent a while looking at images before practicing on a piece of Wills tongue and groove planking.


I settled on a base colour of Tamiya red brown on the bottom and Humbrol mast oak on the top. These were then weathered using various powders, of which more details later on.

The subject, as I say, was a resin Hornby Butterley waiting room from their Skaledale range. This was purchased second hand and had been partially repainted by the previous owner. Front and rear views as below with the glazing and windows removed by myself.



I rubbed the existing finish down then set about distressing the grooves between the planks using a dental pointy probe thing.


I didn't just draw the point along but wiggled it to give an uneven finish.

Next was the adding of the basic colour to the walls using Humbrol mast oak to the upper walls. The framework, lower walls and doors were painted in Tamiya red brown. I wasn't too worried about the patchy coverage as I was going to weather it anyway.


Brickwork to the base was then painted over the existing Hornby applied grey brickwork. This was followed by the chimneys.


That then was the basic painting done.

Next job was the roof where I set about picking out individual tiles using a variety of Humbrol grey enamels.


Then I set about the weathering of the wood using dark earth, sand, white, iron oxide and smoke. Layers were gradually built up, varnished then removed using a 2mm fibre brush. It just sort of evolved until it looked okay.


As I went along, I popped the building under layout lighting to keep an eye on how the colouring was evolving. Here's the building on Bleat Wharf.


The windows were varnished the dusted with dark earth over the white frames. A final coat of varnish sealed them.

The brown paintwork also had iron oxide powders added to provide a bit of ageing.


The door knobs were picked out using a pencil.

Once the building had been varnished, the windows were replaced.


A final touch was the addition of a couple of notice boards. These were also weathered using a bit of white, iron oxide and dark earth.


And this was how it ended up.



Perhaps I'll build the layout for it one day !



Western Thunderer
Unfortunately, I'm really sorry to pass on the news that Rob won't be updating this thread or contributing to WT any longer.

Sadly, comments recently made on another thread and to him directly made him feel decidedly unwelcome. A loss to the WT community IMO.

(I've not been asked or prompted to write this but felt it only fair to point out that any further questions would not be answered.)

SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
This is very sad.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Rob, nor seeing his fine model making in the flesh. I have however, thoroughly enjoyed his contribution to Western Thunder and will really miss his inspirational and creative work.
There seems to be an increasing trend to belittle those people who excel at what they do.
Your work and contribution will be hugely missed Rob.

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
I agree, I learnt a lot from Robs work. He has an eye for colour and a gift for bringing things to life in a way that really captures reality. It very my ch inspired mein my work

He was also very kind to share his methods, tricks and trade secrets. A proper spirit of sharing and mutual improvement that is what WT is all about.

His posts will be missed



Western Thunderer
This is extremely saddening to read.
Rob is an immensely talented modeller and his threads were a joy to read and photographs absolutely tremendous to admire.

WT is a much darker place without his contributions. I had the pleasure of meeting Rob last year at Taunton Railex and I can conclude wholeheartedly that not only is Rob a wonderful modeller but he is a kind and courteous human being. The definition of a true gentleman.


Western Thunderer
I've also been in contact with Rob - I expressed the hope that he wasn't giving up on WT completely, but that is what he has decided.
I hope the member here who sent him an abusive PM to do with the other Thread (the MRJ one, it's no secret) is happy with themselves. :mad:

This is all very sad. Where somebody has sent an abusive PM then that really is unacceptable and should they still be part of WT?


Western Thunderer
I find it very sad that Rob will not be back. He is up with all the really outstanding modellers in this community and I found his posts entertaining and inspiring. The wretch who used the mechanism of a PM posted through WT to abuse Rob should be ejected from this community. And yes, I understand that the Mods have no sight of his PM or identity.


Western Thunderer
That is a real shame, not only for both parties involved, but also for the rest of us.

But I feel the outcome of this incident also impacts very unfairly on WT itself, which almost without exception is as cmax intimates a peaceful haven for all members from the stress of daily life.

Whatever the incident was (only the posts on the MRJ thread were visible to us yet it has been suggested there was more to it than what was seen online - so we are not in any position to, indeed nor is it any of our business to, make any judgement), it seems to involve maybe just two individuals, yet the effect on everyone who contributes WT is quite dramatic.
I know, that sounds a bit selfish.

I'm sure those of us not directly involved have no desire to know any more about the incident, other than to learn that the parties concerned have reached an accommodation and can agree to put it behind them.

So could someone close to the scene please disconnect the battery powering the boundary electric fence and spread out a bag of
Nuts.png to try and entice Sheepbloke back through the hole?