Morning all,
A bit of a catch up is in order. The new axles arrived and following an inspection the new ready assembled axles and wheels were they were split. It seems that they are manufactured with an incorrect internal diameter to the axles.
Fortunately, I'd ordered some individual axles and these were reamed, as per advice, using a 2mm reamer and axles were knurled before a snug fit, no splitting reassembly. Result. No more nodding and stately progress restored so we may well see a Sentinel popping up on Ewe at an exhibition this year.
Outside of this there's been no other modelling but there has been a bit of a reset. The 'quicky layout' has gone, moved onto to someone with more appetite for it's development than I. Also moved on were a number of locos in a bit of a decluttering exercise. A few more are scheduled to go over the coming weeks, linked to projects that won't now go ahead.
However, I have ordered one of the new Class 11 shunters being made by Heljan for Model Rail. It's delivery has been a bit of a farce though thanks to Royal Mail but fingers crossed it will arrive tomorrow. If up to the required standard, it will see service on both EWE and Sheep Dip and may be joined by at least one more example as they are doing a couple of genuine East Anglian locos.
The final bit of news demonstrates the kindness that exists in this hobby. On Rmweb, I'm regularly in contact with quite a few people, one of whom is Chris Nicholls. Chris is a very talented chap who has previously produced 3D prints of mainly wagons for himself but last year made some early SER/SE&CR round ended wagons for me after a bit of research and discussion about the project.
On Friday a parcel arrived from Chris, completely unexpected so I was suitably intrigued. I found that it contained two pairs of single bolsters, produced and finished by Chris who had knocked them up purely out of curiosity.
He had finished one pair in SE&CR grey and the other in SER red oxide and here they are in all their glory displayed on Ewe.......
An excellent addition to the wagon roster for the SE&CR project and a treasured gift from a very kind individual.