Scottish Wagon Works

Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Hi John
These look very interesting kits, very tempting. I have a question regarding these and definitely not wanting to sound as though I am "wishing", how easy is this to print in S scale?
I know very little about 3 D printing so this is a "naive ignorance" sort of question.


Western Thunderer
With your layouts, you might be in a position to say if one of those wagons appeared pregroup around there, who it might have painted on the sides?
If you look at the Scottish Wagon Works website you'll see a list of a selection of possible liveries (e.g. here). Then a view of the Private Owner Wagons Index in the Resources section gives sources of images of some, at least, of the wagons.

Mike W

Western Thunderer
I tried th Scottish Wagon Works and the P.O. wagon index to publishd images, but so far havn't found pictures of any of the wagons listed. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

John Duffy

Western Thunderer
Sorry for the delay but I've been holding out for a reply from HMRS regarding using some of their images, but alas nothing.

Regarding liveries, we have put some suggestions onto the wagon page. There is currently no definitive list - at least as far as we know - and a degree of local research is required. For example the OPC book that I'm using for my own layout is The Railways of Dundee. It lists a large number of wagons, about 700, all of which were registered with the Caledonian Railway and it even includes pictures of 8 of them. Which leaves two particular problems:
1) - I don't have pictures for nearly 700 wagons that were registered to the Caledonian
2) - I don't have any information on wagons registered with the NB

I have found the HMRS is a great resource. In particular their 'Collections' section includes a 'Photographs' search facility with a drop down list of Private Owners. By working through this I am trying to match wagons to the photographs. As our range develops, we will be matching more of the prototype owners with more of the models.

I will try and add more of the matches to the site.

John Duffy

Western Thunderer
We are very close to having the 5 plank end door available, we have made for changes to the detail on the kit but fingers crossed it should be getting sent out to those who pre-ordered it in a couple of weeks. The drawings for the first four plank wagons are developing slowly but surely and we hope to start testing of these probably in a couple of months.

Our plan is to develop a series of 7 plank kits. We are working on the research for this and thanks to some members on WT he have gotten really good information that is helping. Because of the variations available, we are looking at how best to make these available. It will probably consist of the main body options being separate kits with multiple options either included or at the very least available as alternatives. At the moment we are hoping to have the core kit ready for summer this year.


Western Thunderer
I tried th Scottish Wagon Works and the P.O. wagon index to publishd images, but so far havn't found pictures of any of the wagons listed. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.
To give an example Mike the website page on RY Pickering 16 foot, 5 plank, 10 ton, end door, private trader gives Lochgelly Iron & Coal Company - Fife as and example. Searching on Lochgelly in the Private Owner Wagons Index tells you that there's an image in Private Owner Wagons: Volume 4 by Bill Hudson on page 100.
Hope this helps

John Duffy

Western Thunderer
Hi John
These look very interesting kits, very tempting. I have a question regarding these and definitely not wanting to sound as though I am "wishing", how easy is this to print in S scale?
I know very little about 3 D printing so this is a "naive ignorance" sort of question.
Hi Julian,

The short answer is yes we can.

We have recently delivered an order in Gauge 3 which was printed from our drawing file so manipulating the scale up or down of relatively straightforward. There are obviously limitations going too small, the finer parts become too delicate but given our successful printing in 4mm and 7mm, then S Scale is very much achievable. Just contact us via the website.


John Duffy

Western Thunderer
We are very close to having the 5 plank end door available, we have made for changes to the detail on the kit but fingers crossed it should be getting sent out to those who pre-ordered it in a couple of weeks. The drawings for the first four plank wagons are developing slowly but surely and we hope to start testing of these probably in a couple of months.

Our plan is to develop a series of 7 plank kits. We are working on the research for this and thanks to some members on WT he have gotten really good information that is helping. Because of the variations available, we are looking at how best to make these available. It will probably consist of the main body options being separate kits with multiple options either included or at the very least available as alternatives. At the moment we are hoping to have the core kit ready for summer this year.
Just to expand on the 7 plank.
The two main options are the cupboard door version and the drop door.

- The cupboard door type were Scottish private traders but there are a couple of end variations

- The drop door were widely used throughout and we have now found examples in use in Scotland, Wales and England. They were used by both private owners, by the Highland Railway as Loco Coal vehicles and by the Barry Railway dia 72. The NB also used this type but with a variation to the ironwork.

As you can see, figuring out the best way to bring the widest variation in a reasonable timescale is the challenge. The good news is that we are making decent progress.


I have found the HMRS is a great resource. In particular their 'Collections' section includes a 'Photographs' search facility with a drop down list of Private Owners. By working through this I am trying to match wagons to the photographs. As our range develops, we will be matching more of the prototype owners with more of the models.
On the HMRS website, under photographs, there is another filter further down the page called "collections", which when you select "Pickering, RY" gives you access to 825 photos of RY Pickering vehicles, the majority of which are Scottish private traders.

Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member
I'm very impressed with these, John.
Was there a broad specification as regards to buffers fitted or did Pickerings use a company supplied buffer?
I'm only asking as my pregroup sources on wagons are still very limited.


John Duffy

Western Thunderer
Thank you Davy.
Think of it from the buyers viewpoint. Purchasing a wagon must have been like a visit to Starbucks, far more options than you need.

There are photos of these wagons with very simple plain shank buffers (these are coming), with 2 ribs and with 4 ribs. For the end door version a nib could be added to the top rib.

Initially we have followed the CRA drawings but the plain shanks will be added as an option to allow the builder more choice.


john lewsey

Western Thunderer

John Duffy

Western Thunderer
It's been a busy day today as we have now put our other Highland Railway vehicles onto the website and added direct links to their availability in 7mm, Gauge 1 and Gauge 3.


We have made some adjustments to the kits to accept Gauge 3 buffer shanks without the need for re-drilling and some other tweaks.
It would be helpful if Gauge 1 knew what scale they were using but we have done some of our private trader wagons and they look good. In both the larger scales we offer the option to personalise the registration number and build date on the wagons.


Both Paul and I much prefer working in the larger scales so the biggest problem is likely to be resisting these ourselves!
