P4 New Street

Jim S-W

Western Thunderer
Hi All

For the first time in as long as I can remember I have spent the last couple of weeks building something for no other reason than for the hell of it. It doesnt fit with the time period of any of the layouts I am involved in but...


LEV1 - the prototype for the pacers. Essentially a double ended Leyland National Bus mounted on a wagon chassis.


The body is a narrowed Hornby pacer shell with cab ends from a couple of EFE leyland nationals. The body was narrowed by cutting the sides from the roof and then carefully cutting away at the inside of the roof where it drops down until I could bend it in to match the width of the cabs.


The chassis was knocked up from Plasticard around some Bill bedford sprung W irons. The springs and dampers were salvaged from an old Lima class 60 bogie.



Rob R

Western Thunderer
Very nice.
Your windows are a lot cleaner than I remember from my East Suffolk line trip 30 odd years ago............

Nice piece of work. I have always had a strange liking for the the first two LEV's, maybe it's just the marriage of bus and train, not sure. If I recall right, I think MTK did a kit of LEV2 at one point.


Jim S-W

Western Thunderer
Thanks all

Getting back on topic with another class 86


Like my model of 50031 I was quite fascinated by the story behind the name so its another 'tribute' loco. The Story of Driver John Axon GC can be read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Axon Still been working on my fleet of 31's with another batch going through the weathering stage


Below is my fleet of /4s





Western Thunderer
Thanks all

Getting back on topic with another class 86


Like my model of 50031 I was quite fascinated by the story behind the name so its another 'tribute' loco. The Story of Driver John Axon GC can be read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Axon Still been working on my fleet of 31's with another batch going through the weathering stage


Below is my fleet of /4s




Nice work Jim. love the LEV1.

Can you put some pics of your CCT's other coaching stock please ?. :thumbs:

Steve :cool:


Mid-Western Thunderer
A quick shot of the underside of LEV 1 showing the drive arrangement.
:eek: Now that is amazing!! Must admit that when I saw the picture further up of the chassis sans body and with no visible motor/drive, I automatically assumed the model was an un-powered 'dummy'....

Guess I'm the dummy now.....:rolleyes:


Flying Squad
Hi All

A quick shot of the underside of LEV 1 showing the drive arrangement.




That's a terrific piece of work Jim, thanks very much for sharing it.

Apart from having an irrational liking for the LEV(s) that didn't really transfer (for me) to the various "nodding donkeys" that they begat, I think your motor driving via a cardan shaft to axle mounted gearbox is a very appealing idea.

In 1/32 terms I have the Hudswell railcar that ran on the Spurn Railway firmly in my sights, and a method such as yours will be perfect as the shaft on the prototype is very visible. As it will be tiny and won't need to either go fast or pull very much I might be able to use similar components.

If it isn't too tedious (or explained elsewhere) what components did you use on LEV?

And are there any scale drawings for LEV around anywhere?

I can't believe I just asked that last question* endless scope for all sorts of "levity" no doubt:rolleyes:

A really great bit of modelling either way:thumbs:


*At least it's not the Parry People Mover:))


Western Thunderer
Hi All

For the first time in as long as I can remember I have spent the last couple of weeks building something for no other reason than for the hell of it. It doesnt fit with the time period of any of the layouts I am involved in but...


LEV1 - the prototype for the pacers. Essentially a double ended Leyland National Bus mounted on a wagon chassis.


The body is a narrowed Hornby pacer shell with cab ends from a couple of EFE leyland nationals. The body was narrowed by cutting the sides from the roof and then carefully cutting away at the inside of the roof where it drops down until I could bend it in to match the width of the cabs.


The chassis was knocked up from Plasticard around some Bill bedford sprung W irons. The springs and dampers were salvaged from an old Lima class 60 bogie.



Very nice. :thumbs: I would really like a 7mm version of one of these.
Simon, I'm not sure if it helps but as I recall (30 odd years of paint & glue has taken it's toll) there was a GA drawing in Modern Railway's in the mid to late 70's. I cant remember exactly when or if it had measurements.

Jim S-W

Western Thunderer
I dunno about drawings, as i did this just for the hell of it i scaled everything from the pacer bodysides and efe national fronts. The motor is one of these http://www.nigellawton009.com/6VMicroMotors.html and the gearbox is from branchlines but with tenshodo gears (the box was in my spares box and i had lost the main gear). The branchlines box is listed as out of stock. You could use a bill bedford one instead. At the moment while it does work its pretty noisy so i am going to re-jig the alignment a bit.



Jim S-W

Western Thunderer
Hi All

Something that has been on my workbench for ages is my solitary model of a class 122 bubblecar


Started off as a Lima 121 with bogies from the Hornby 110, New cabs from DC kits (re-profiled a bit) new roof vents and handrails and the underframe has been opened up a bit. The 121 cab isn't too bad at all, a big improvement over the 117 but I am going to use the DC kits cabs on my fleet of class 116's so I swapped these too for consistency.

