Active Member
Nice work, the cab side profile looks a whole lot better than the original Limby 121, have you played around with the overall tumblehome or just the cabs?
Regards Dean
Regards Dean
New Street's lighting conditions have always been bad for photographs and as such a large proportion of pictures taken under the roof are reproduced in black and white. This is to mask the overly yellow lights under the roof combined with the overly blue light coming in from the outside. This is whats known as 'cross curves' and is bad. In this case I have added them back in to reproduce the effect.
Right, thats enough photography, back to the modelling! One project that has been in the back of my mind for ages goes back to mark 3 coaches. The loco hauled variety were rare but not unheard of at New Street during the period I am modelling (they seemed to stay on the trent valley route) so with that in mind I have been busy doing another prototype ahead of a possible batch of them.
The starting place for this was the ancient Jouef model which despite being the only Mk3a ever produced also has something about it that the others dont to my mind.
Seconded!! The angle suggests the photographer was on the staircase, but the 'look' is exactly "as it was" with that lighting!!The photo of the Cl.86 is excellent - I think I read a comment from Jordan about using "real" photos as being of a model, this is in the same category. Only the absence of any OLE suggested model rather than real.