I have added all the tiddly bits to the outer sides.
I didn't notice until these photos that the hinges seem to be handed vertically but can't find any close up photographic evidence. Anyone know so I can tidy them up?
It took me a while to think about how to fix the door handles without everything going out of square and/or falling apart. They are soldered to a piece of wire, through an escutcheon plate to the body.
I put lengths of wire right through the body, and then used the RSU to solder the handles in place. The wire will then be cut and the insides carefully cleaned up with a grinder to accept the inner body.
After fitting the end handrails and electrical connectors this part of the build is finished.
Redo the roof handrails, fit the buffers and fiddly chain bits on the buffer beam and I think I'm nearly done.
Richard Carr said in another post he thought it would take him a year to make an MMP coach kit. I suppose it depends on how much time is available and level of commitment but sounds about right to me. I have been doing other things though, including currently an LMS 40 ton bogie trolley wagon (wheels currently being re-profiled for S7) and embryonic chassis for an LMS 30 ton bolster wagon.
Looking forward to the Bristol show next weekend.