Very interesting perspective, there are some where bashing metal is no task for them and they quite enjoy it, I'm not quite one of them I have to say, yes I enjoy it.....whilst it's going well...but get cross quickly when it doesn't. To be fair the more you do the less mistakes you make and the less cross I become.
However if we take the smokebox module, that would have taken me at least a good days work to mark out, punch the rivets by hand (no etch indents to guide you) form, solder up and clean up. By virtue it took me just under an hour to draw, the machine took five hours to print and it took.....lets be generous here.....a further 15 minutes to clean up, cure and waft some paint on.
So my reprose is thus, do I really want to spend 8 hours at the bench when I can spend 30 mins there and an hour on the PC, then spend the 6½ hours saved doing something else more worthwhile
Some know my hourly rate and the time saved is passed onto the customer and is roughly an evening out for two with drinks, especially when you add the firebox and cab tanks in to. Some may be reticent about 3D, none are backward when offering a discount like that for a simple change of medium.
If you're modeling for yourself and you're happier at the bench then crack on and keep doing it, if you're doing it commercially then time is your enemy and the customers too. For me it's a use of a medium (prints and CAD) I am overtly happy to use and the time saved for me is massive, it also allows far more detail to be added for a given budget.
I'm fortunate, possibly even gifted in that I can see 3D shapes with ease, I can transpose 3D to 2D and vice versa; but, what the lord giveth with one hand he taketh with the other and I'm not an overly good socialite

I can tolerate groups of people for a few hours then I have to get away and shows on the stand take their toll heavily.