Flaxfield- A bucolic 1950s Suffolk backwater


Western Thunderer
I have cleaned up maybe a dozen unrestored GER signs over the years and not once found any trace of blue paint.


Western Thunderer
A Middy thread to watch - popcorn at the ready.
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If it is of any interest at this stage in your planning Rob, this is how John imagined Cratfield might have looked had the line opened to passengers and stopped here, not Laxfield - hence the engine shed from Laxfield.
It was to be his last portrayal of the Middy, this time in S7.

The level crossing / platform fun is again at play, as is the push-back to run-around, albeit in a slightly different format to the Laxfield plan, and a coal yard replaces the mill.
The line back west to Laxfield runs out lower right.

A surveyor has been seen stalking the fields off the baseboard to the left - reckon he’s working on a scheme to extend the siding yet another station further towards Halesworth……

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I would love to build that.

Apologies for post hijack.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Many thanks to everyone for their comments.

I've understandably gone with the black and white option but seem to have overdone the rust on what is after all the Mk 1 version. Rather too chocolate for my liking !

However, easy to improve upon and I can revisit after the Exeter show. This is the current state of play.



NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

The main motive power for Flaxfield will be J15s, as outlined earlier. I now have transfers, number plates and shed code plates for 65447 and 65459, two Mid Suffolk regulars. An order will placed for a non-Westo job on due course, either 65388 or 65361.

However, Accurascale's J67/68/69 will be breaking cover at the end of the year. These images released by Accurascale look to be very promising. East Anglian examples are planned for the second batch so there will definitely one available at Flaxfield at some point.

Here's some of those images.





I have indeed ordered a G.E.R liveried example.....I mean, who wouldn't !?


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Plotting continues and the rough 'plan' for Flaxfield is pretty much arrived at but the first sod is not due to be turned for sometime yet. I intend to complete the buildings first. However, the baseboards will be ordered in August for what looks to be a September/October delivery....

In the interim, there's been much looking at Tollesbury Pier as a potential side project / test piece thing. Minimal space, minimal trackwork to potentially produce a very basic dioramaesque model. Provisionally titled Blackwater Pier, this could then be used to evaluate a couple of things ahead of a start being made on Flaxfield.

So we're not actually standing still. Just nothing to show.......yet.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Well, my "test piece/plank" idea seem to be morphing into something else.....( why am I not surprised..)
In my defence, it's still pretty basic though........





Ignore the board, platform etc. Just plonked to test " look and feel"........

And it seems to demonstrate promise.

Blackwater Pier could therefore see the light of day........



Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,
Looks interesting, what are the origins, please, of the 6 wheeled full brake carriage? Thank you


Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,
Many thanks, I will search for one, to put in store, waiting for Bugglesham to materialize!