7mm Dikitriki's Dark side: A WD 2-8-0


Flying Squad
Possible? Certainly.... just got to find a big enough Sparrow!

I'm never entirely sure I understand Graham's whimsy. No, let me change the position of a word...there, that's better....

I'm entirely sure I never understand Graham's whimsy:)

I shall just have to try harder.... both to understand Graham and to raise the standard of the thread.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I'm never entirely sure I understand Graham's whimsy. No, let me change the position of a word...there, that's better....

I'm entirely sure I never understand Graham's whimsy:)

I shall just have to try harder.... both to understand Graham and to raise the standard of the thread.


I understand entirely... I have similar problems with the World of Basilica Fields and that is from a contributor to the journal. I blame Adrian (Buckjumper) although his training in the art of confusion, off-topic reparte and pedantry is such that he must be considered as the Mastermind in such matters.

My earlier whimsy (rather nice word that, just like the name of a mine in the Forest of Dean) was in response to the naming of the twins as Caistor and Pollux oops, OT again, Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Now the standard of this thread (and your other threads) is above reproach so maybe the suggestion of raising the standard was unkind and I apologise. The names of your twins reminded me of a pleasant evening at the Ballet with my parents.
yours etc....


Flying Squad
No apology is needed, no offence was taken. I was amused more than anything else. In fact, your comments are always worth it when they elicit a response from Jordan, though I was left scratching my head with the 'Sparrow' bit.

I must get out more.


Richard (inching towards the back of the class)

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
I'm never entirely sure I understand Graham's whimsy. No, let me change the position of a word...there, that's better....

I'm entirely sure I never understand Graham's whimsy:)

I shall just have to try harder.... both to understand Graham and to raise the standard of the thread.

Glad it's not just me then :));)

Simon Dunkley

I blame Adrian (Buckjumper) although his training in the art of confusion, off-topic reparte and pedantry is such that he must be considered as the Mastermind in such matters.
Well, he once blamed me - in print - so I am glad you have seen fit to blame him in public!

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Children... **** and make up please, otherwise the WT-Flying Squad will be along to pass out wet socks, custard pies and bad jokes.

Simon Dunkley

wet socks, custard pies and bad jokes.
I got the last of those in spades already, and if we have any more summer like this, we'll all be walking around with wet socks.

Adrian, can you do the custard pies? You know I am intolerant(.) to lactose, and being able to blow you away if I accidentally imbibed any milk would give me an unfair advantage!


Flying Squad
Adrian, can you do the custard pies? You know I am intolerant(.) to lactose, and being able to blow you away if I accidentally imbibed any milk would give me an unfair advantage!

I can put up with your intolerance; bring on the pies. Just forget the clowns. I hate those guys. Brrrrrr!

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
... bring on the pies. Just forget the clowns....

"Bring on the clowns"... forget the pies. Much better. As to this whimsey, Wiki is your friend.

(And not "send in the clowns", credit Sondheim... rather eg. Bill Joel) Always look on the brighter side of life and whistle while you sing.

regards, Graham

BTW - Simon, you could at least provide the reference to the article so that those of us of little brain can feel as if we are part of the fun!

Simon Dunkley

I mentioned this comment to a colleague, here at work.

His remark was, "Why not blame you? We all do here...!"


Flying Squad
Picking up on one of Richard's comments on crankpin nuts (back when the thread content was suitably elevated), I've just been doing a similar thing with AGH wheels and the cast nuts supplied by CPL. However, as AGH crankpins are 10BA threaded tubes, the cast nuts are in fact bolts, and need cleaning up with a 10BA die first. Much improvement on the flat retaining bolt supplied with the wheel castings.

AGH nuts.jpg