I am trying to get several floating projects done. I have had 3 or 4 irons in the fire now for far too long, and I hope to clear all but one or two of them. One of the final irons is the 1366T kit that I have been working on / cursing the name of / crying about for like a year now. It's close enough to feel close, but far enough to be "urgh" far away. I need to finish some final details, in particular the drain pipes from the injectors (I am unsure what they are called?) as well as make a safety valve bonnet and chimney, tank vents, and a few other turned details, and sometime to get handrail standoffs so I can install those. This little engine will likely stay with me; even if I sell off some / most of my GWR 0 gauge, I think I wish to keep this one. I just want to get it out of the queue. It, along with a Connoisseur models Macaw B (what a wonderful kit!) will be stars of a diorama, if nothing else. I must admit I am unsure how to approach turning the chimney and dome. I guess just get in there and make chips, eh?
As shown in my thread here, I have 3 (4) projects ongoing, in 3 different scales. I admit to having a wibbly wobbly attitude, where I wibble and wobble to and fro a lot. What to do!? I think 2mm, as much as I love it, is simply too small for me. My eyesight is -11.50 without my glasses, and even with them, it's a strain. Part of my move to 7mm was due to how much easier it was on my eyeballs, and how much more scratchbuild-friendly it is.
The Jinty above is simply because I have it here, and decided selling it complete may be easier than selling it as parts, though who knows; it all depends on me doing my best with the build and the paint job, though I have a good feeling about it so far. 4mm is not too small; I haven't had too many eyesight issues so far. I want badly to build an urban terminus / Minories type layout for Midland or LMS. I wish I had the room to do so in 7mm, but alas, I do not, I don't believe. If I COULD, this would probably get me to sell all my other british stuff.
7mm british stuff - well, I have 2 other Panniers, both Dapol models, along with 10 or so goods wagons I have built - two from scratch! - and a single D98 GWR brake third from an Ian Kirk kit, with loads of enhancements. This one is another 90% project. I may sell this stuff on; if I stay with 7mm, my little GWR dock tank is a better engine for my available space, though I'd keep my goods stock.
1:48 US stuff. I love British prototypes, as smaller engines and MUCH smaller freight stock is far more small layout friendly. But I am from the US, I love old US freight cars and steam engines, and I can convince myself to just build these to sit on shelves, or maybe run around on the floor once in a while. All of this thus far is scratch built, and it's so much fun. I see myself sticking with this, though off and on as I can get the bits I do need.
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So uh... anyone else have WAY too many projects at once?