4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
Lovely hot weather towards the end of a disastrous summer here in Wales, so I thought I'd post an update.

The 4mm scale goods shed was rebuilt with no windows on one side. It also received bleached GWR colours .....
WEB Llanfair new 2.jpg

'Tother side with sliding door.....
WEB Llanfair new 3.jpg

The shed at the back of the baseboard with the coal road at the front makes for a more open yard. The signalman is happier....!
WEB Llanfair new 4B.jpg
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Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
The new (minimalist?) version seems to be coming along well, Larry.
Back in the Greenfield days, I recall you saying you would never model Delph because it was too sleepy and nothing ever happened there, so I do wonder.......


Western Thunderer
It's not 'minimalist' really Dave, as the same number of turnouts have been used as previously. The sidings have simply been rearranged with one less in front of the station and one more at the back.

The layout look bare because the 'mainline' has yet to be laid, but this can't happen until the baseboards on each side of the shed have a connecting baseboard added to carry a half-loop. The diameter of the loopback will determine the position of the running line. Electric are being attended to today followed by sprayed track weathering and brush painting of the rails.


Western Thunderer
Back in the Greenfield days, I recall you saying you would never model Delph because it was too sleepy and nothing ever happened there, so I do wonder.......
I have happy memories of those Greenfield days. Sunday morning trips to a certain model shop on Chew Valley Road spring to mind, as does the look on Norman's face when someone paid with plastic. :D



Western Thunderer
Norman Wisenden's was as much Greenfield as Pots 'n Pans (local hill).

My poor goods shed has been a movable feast since the early days of this layout. So I am just illustrating am option in case it helps others because a similar signalbox/goods shed situation existed at Fairford, terminus of the Witney to Fairford branch (also a Lechlade).

If I want the shed at the end of the station platform, the signalman has a view down the tracks so long as the shed doors are open. In reality, the tiny signalbox is now't more than a glorified ground frame. There are no through trains ~ one hopes, so I think it is getawayable.

WEB Llanfair new 8.jpg

Fairford terminus....
WEB Llanfair new 8B.jpg
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Active Member
I have happy memories of those Greenfield days. Sunday morning trips to a certain model shop on Chew Valley Road spring to mind, as does the look on Norman's face when someone paid with plastic. :D


We used to love swimming picnics at Jabez Bath, before they built the reservoir.

Also, dam-building in Dick Clough, to create swimming holes.

Happy days!

John Isherwood

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Norman Wisenden's was as much Greenfield as Pots 'n Pans (local hill).

My poor goods shed has been a movable feast since the early days of this layout. So I am just illustrating am option in case it helps others because a similar signalbox/goods shed situation existed at Fairford, terminus of the Witney to Fairford branch (also a Lechlade).

If I want the shed at the end of the station platform, the signalman has a view down the tracks so long as the shed doors are open. In reality, the tiny signalbox is now't more than a glorified ground frame. There are no through trains ~ one hopes, so I think it is getawayable.

View attachment 223367

Fairford terminus....
View attachment 223374

The signalman at a terminus station like yours probably may have been a porter-signalman anyway, so may not have spent all his time in the signalbox.

Why would he need to see the train approach or depart? The main reason is to see the tail lamp of an arriving train, so that he can send 'Train Out of Section' to the box in rear. He can do that once the train has come to a stand in the platform. If the train is longer than the platform or if a goods train and doesn't for some reason come into the platform first, the local Sectional Appendix would normally have Local Instructions for the Guard to inform the signalman that the train was complete as soon as possible, either by phone or physically coming to the box.

From a (retired) professional point of view, I can't see any particular objections to your proposed arrangement.

Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
The difference is that at Fairford, the running line and approaching trains were from behind the cameraman. The track beyond, visible through the goods shed was a dead end, so no trains approached that way, just shunted stock. Might not make any difference to Tim's argument, though.


Western Thunderer
Your theory Larry of looking through the shed only works when there's no vans in there so on the two or three days in the year ( like a British summer when the suns out ) when a vans in there it falls over but as 'the captain ' said " why would he need to ".

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
The other thing to bear in mind is that the signalman would know when to expect a train, having received 'Train Entering Section' from the box in rear previously and noted this in his Train Register.

There is also every likelihood that even a small place like that may have had one or two simple track circuits, the occupation of which would tell the signalman where the train was, as it approached. Possibly even a treadle-operated bell or gong, the activation of which would warn the signalman to tell the platform staff (or himself, if he was the platform staff!) to get ready to receive the train. The activation of such a bell or gong in the signalbox would normally give rise to the signalman pressing a plunger to operate some kind of warning bell on the platform or in the station office, unless the treadle-activated one went direct to the station as well.

So there are plenty of ways for the signalman to be made aware of an approaching train.

Nick Rogers

Western Thunderer
I don’t know if this is of use or not…

The local instruction for Truro (even with the Mid Cornwall Resignalling) is that if a platformed train is held at a red signal, at the five minute point, the guard must contact the ‘Bobby’ to confirm the train is complete. It’s a legacy from absolute block days, which ended earlier this year. However, there are all sorts of local rules which could be applied to your layout (as Tim has rightly said).

The local instruction could simply be the guard confirms to the signaller that the train is ‘complete’ on arrival. Little things like this add to the story you are portraying with your layout. :)

I hope this is of some use.

Best wishes,