Yorkshire Dave
Western Thunderer
A slight diversion....
Not being one for things GW I acquired this Dapol O scale 57xx at the weekend, which fortunately is in the best livery they carried, to kick start a LT layout at some point.
The major item which jumps out is the incorrect font used for the numerals - it just appears too heavy. Otherwise a good model for 200 notes and saves hours of kit building. This is the non sound DCC ready version. There are some minor improvements required to make it into L.94 proper which will become evident.
The cab roof is correct and as are the electrification warning flashes. Needs a good dose of weathering.
This is the guts
Plenty of room to install a new speaker after removing the original speaker housing.

Some detail.... Tripcock
Inside motion
Cab roof held on by magnets
Now some necessary improvements to finish the model as L94... in addition to the post 1967 duty number brackets on the smokebox door and above and to the right of the rear left hand buffer.
Replacement of the GW pattern rear and front lamp irons to standard BR versions

L94 had a rivetted gutter strip at cab side and roof join. New numbers required as these are not the correct P22 Johnston LT font. They look too heavy.

One thing to watch out for. The flywheel is too high on the motor shaft.

Not being one for things GW I acquired this Dapol O scale 57xx at the weekend, which fortunately is in the best livery they carried, to kick start a LT layout at some point.
The major item which jumps out is the incorrect font used for the numerals - it just appears too heavy. Otherwise a good model for 200 notes and saves hours of kit building. This is the non sound DCC ready version. There are some minor improvements required to make it into L.94 proper which will become evident.
The cab roof is correct and as are the electrification warning flashes. Needs a good dose of weathering.

This is the guts

Plenty of room to install a new speaker after removing the original speaker housing.

Some detail.... Tripcock

Inside motion

Cab roof held on by magnets

Now some necessary improvements to finish the model as L94... in addition to the post 1967 duty number brackets on the smokebox door and above and to the right of the rear left hand buffer.
Replacement of the GW pattern rear and front lamp irons to standard BR versions

L94 had a rivetted gutter strip at cab side and roof join. New numbers required as these are not the correct P22 Johnston LT font. They look too heavy.

One thing to watch out for. The flywheel is too high on the motor shaft.