As others have said.... Awesome modelling..... really, very nice.....
However, if I can just interject a small observation regarding timing & condition of the vehicle.
The moon landing happened on 20 July 1969 (I was 11 years old and following it on the old B&W TV avidly). The van is H reg., that letter became available from 1 Aug 1969. The condition of the van suggests that it's had over a year (at least) of 'hard labour' - even the most cack handed of owner would keep it in fairly reasonable condition for a year and although Fords were notorious rotboxes one could expect them to stay fairly shiny for a while.
As I said, not a criticism just an observation...…. yes, on the scale of one to ten of Sad B*st*rds, I can register a 9.5 at times ……

Can anyone remember where I put my hat and coat?
You all stay safe