This was a re-powering exercise for the BEL2 battery loco.
The 4mm gearbox driving one axle resulted in the loco having insufficient grunt to haul more than one light wagon and cold not haul a kit built brass van.
Having success with the Finney7 Power and remote 13:1 gearboxes in the Met Bo-Bo my thoughts turned to using these in the BEL2 loco. However, it has a 8' (56mm) wheelbase which is too short to use a CV joint to join the two gearboxes.
Steph Dale and myself were chatting about powering short wheelbase truck/bogies and realised it can be done using the Weaver half spline/shaft method.
So, I purchased Finney7 Power and Remote gearboxes and a Taff Vake 1525 motor to try this out

The motor was mounted in the vice using the shaft and some blu-tac was stuck around the bearing of the shaft which was going to be halved along some of it's length to create a half moon shape. The shaft was carefully ground down using a slitting disc in a Proxxon mini drill.
This is after the motor shaft and gearbox shaft have been ground down.
And the union - here I used a clear tube from a paintbrush to show alignment.
The two gearboxes were made up as per the instructions and here is the joint between the motor and remote gearbox. Neoprene tube has been used here for illustration. The Slaters 1/8'' wagon wheel axles between the hornblocks were sleeved to 3/16'' with brass tube.
The view from above - a piece of 2mm I/D tube has now replaced the neoprene tube.
The view from below
Broadside to show the motor just peeks below the frame. Inside it sits level with the floor and a slightly raised floor will be required to clear the motor as the chassis is fully compensated. Mmmm

looks like I'll have to slot the body/chassis mounting holes to shift the wheel centres to the left a tad.
Remote gearbox end.
Power gearbox end