I required a 'modern' building for my proposed London Transport layout to contrast with the Art Deco/1930's style I intend having. The bothy I built earlier is a tad too early for the LT 'New Works' style.
The result is this laser cut kit I commissioned from BrushType4......
......a 7mm model of the Bognor Regis brick staff mess room built in 1955 by the Southern Region. It's a plain mundane building but will suit my requirements of a 'modern' building in the yard.
The parts - as ever they are well executed and fit together very well. So much so I had dry assembled within 15 minutes of opening the package.
The parts identified and some colour coding added to show the locations of the walls.
Firstly some items required laminating:
1 Plinth
2 Inner and outer toilet end walls
3 Inner floor
4 Outer front wall and the inner front toilet wall
5 Top step
These were glued with PVA and clamped whilst drying.
The inner floor was then glued to the plinth using the inner sides as a locating guide. As can be seen I also lettered the locations of the wall parts.
The two inner/outer toilet walls were dressed on the ends to ensure the laminate join was not evident on the transverse bricks (stretcher).
The inner toilet window sill (circled here) required it's sill brick mortar joints.
The inner window is shown here (top right) and the micro saws I used to cut the mortar joints are shown. These are small etched blades designed for the Xacto knife handles. This exercise is a bit academic as the toilet walls will be painted white once the mortar is applied and is unlikely to be seen through the frosted glass! But I know it's there

More to follow.....