I have a multitude of different creatures passing through the yard on a regular basis, especially now that I've put up several feeders and a bath. I've gotten lots of crappy cell phone pictures to date, but all of a sudden my brain turned back on and I got out the real camera and a chair, sat for a spell, and caught some of the activity.
Blue Jays
What I believe to be a Chipping Sparrow, sparrows are tricky at time to identify correctly, plus I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm happy to be corrected.
And lastly what I have decided is a female Brown-Headed Cowbird. I'm going with the beak I.D.
I would still like to catch some photos of the cardinals, house finches, goldfinches, and woodpeckers. All in due time I suppose. I also just had an Oriole fly through the backyard the other day, much to my surprise. I've not seen them here before. I need to get a grape jelly feeder to lure them back.
In the meantime I should work on my reflexes, it's hard to be quick enough sometimes to catch them in time for a decent shot, especially at long zoom lengths. I've deleted a lot of photos of empty sky, empty bushes, and empty grassy spots!
I can only imagine the cost of wildlife photography back in the film age.