4mm Wharfeside, a lifetime's project

Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Progress on the buildings for Wharfeside.
Tankhouse just needing the 'Ambis' 3D printed tank to be assembled on top.
Built using 3, 2 and 1mm black plastic card, scribed with a Olfa cutter.
Platform top needing packed up prior to final painting and fixing down, I'm thinking of moving the building up the platform a bit, see next photo.

Tankhouse based on this one, photo sent to me by a friend so no details.

Burley water tank house.jpg

Provender store, built from two Ratio kits.

Provender store.jpg

Goods shed, again scribed plastic card. I'm not keen on the weathering, I should have practiced on scrap first I think. The windows have come out well though, done on a Silhouette Cameo cutter, thanks Ian.
Still to do the slates, 'York Model Makers' slates as recommended to me, a few have been placed above the gutter as a 'look see'.

Goods shed.jpg

LNER P/way hut, the line was joint MR/NER so why not, produced as a learning project and given to me for the layout by a friend of a friend, the print is so good you can even see through the keyhole....
Still to be bedded in and the ballast box attended to.

Lineside hut.jpg

All photos taken on a phone in not very good light.


Ian N

Western Thunderer
Hi Dave
To me, the water tank doesn't look obviously wrong on the model. Your platform is higher than Burley, so any movement should take account of this. If you relocate it, does that change the relationship between buffer stop and rear wall of the water tank for the worse?
Regarding weathering, the water tank base looks right,. The goods shed assuming it was built with the local stone hasn't captured the ingrained soot appearance that characterises the area - imo, from the photos it's too brown, and will contrast against the station building and water tank.
I see what you mean about the goods shed windows. They do look rather nice !

See you Wednesday



Flying Squad
Platform top needing packed up prior to final painting and fixing down, I'm thinking of moving the building up the platform a bit, see next photo.
I think you might be right on that, enough so that the door on the platform side is on the flat part of the platform rather than the slope down to it as it currently stands. I would also suggest extending the lower platform level to the full extent of the building rather than dropping down to ballast half way along.


Active Member
I'm not keen on the weathering, I should have practiced on scrap first I think. The windows have come out well though, done on a Silhouette Cameo cutter, thanks Ian.
Still to do the slates, 'York Model Makers' slates as recommended to me, a few have been placed above the gutter as a 'look see'.

View attachment 218557
Hi Dave, the new stone buildings are looking great. Sure the weathering will be fine with an odd tweak here or there.
Might not be worth worrying too much until the lighting rig is up - as it could look different under proper layout lights?

Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
Regarding the water tank, it looks like the top of the platform ramp is roughly in line with the middle window, so quite a distance to move. You've certainly captured the blackened stone and light mortar courses spot on.

Dave F.

Western Thunderer
First signal on Wharfeside, placed in the hole and the servo connected up. Built from MSE components the midland signal is the first of four on the layout, well maybe three as one is a bi-directional with two opposing arms, the third is an underslung gallows type due to sighting under the footbridge. Four ground signals have been bought for the yard as per signal diagrams.
Servos and control boards by Chas Dougan and work very well, no twitching yet.
First signal.JPG
Tankhouse still to be moved back a tad.

Dave F.
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Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Second signal on Wharfeside, same servo setup, same MSE components, (thanks Andrew),

Gallows signal.jpg Photo me.
Still to add the spectacle glass and maybe a telephone cabinet.

Copied from this one at Burley in Wharfedale.

burley signal.jpg Photo Bill Smith.
With the 1973 replacement steel post signal in place but no arm yet

gallows-signal-burley-chris-smyth_orig.jpgPhoto Chris Smyth.
A recently found detail photo.

Bolton abbey signal 2.jpg Photo D. Ibbotson.
The final mainline signal is on the workbench now, the servos are in and working just the platforms and linkage to do then painting.


Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Been busy today, got the electrics sorted out..... on the old Landrover. When first restored the electrics were done to old spec to suit an old trailer, a new trailer has now been bought but it has the electrics to modern spec so once I realised why some lights didn't work a rewire had to be done on the Landy.
Anyway, I had been putting off doing the tank on the tankhouse so as Madam was quietly doing a jigsaw puzzle whilst watching some dreadful dance programme on the beeb I decided to bite the bullet and do something useful. The tank panels were 3D printed by Ambis, (thanks Alan), they were quite flimsy so I superglued them to some thin plastic card and that also let me use Mekpac for the final assembly.
The paint was an old Humbrol metalic colour No. 27003 and I think it's quite a good match.

The model is based on this one though not quite the same length.
Burley water tank house.jpg

Just the top platform and ladder to do but I've run out of 0.3 brass wire to beef up the ladder etch.

Dave F.

Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Sat the tankhouse on the layout tonight and filled in the ash ballast where the tankhouse had been moved back, did the top platform and railings this morning but didn't have time to paint the railings. The MR watercrane arrived today, not the same type but the same as others up the line. The watercrane looks tall but the spout is level with the tank bottom so water will flow okay....


The platform surface will be fixed down once the edging stones are done.


Scubaidh Dubh

Western Thunderer
Looking absolutely superb, Dave. Good choice of 27003 for the ironwork on the tank. I have been pondering the same thing for bridge platework. I noticed a long time ago that the paint BR used had a metallic quality to it but I hadn't realised the required effect was under my nose next to the workbench. This sort of thing is why I come here; and the stonework finish on the tank base is also first rate.


Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Wharfeside goods shed, the inside whitewashed walls need dirtied down a bit, made a start to see what it would look like above the end door.
Glass house office to be made and some 'goods' on the platform.
Oh, and I see I haven't painted the runner for the end door either.
Ian did a lovely job of the windows on his cutting machine, thanks Ian.

Dave F.

Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Been working on the layout today and just had to take a few shots of the dry stone wall Fiona has been working on, she had the paints out on Friday and now dry it looks great.
Stones were made with DAS modelling clay put through a pasta roller to about 1.5mm thick then cut up to size. Once dry placed on a bed of PVA and built up in layers with coping stones on the top, a long job but I think it looks the part. Painted with a wash of various Tamiya acrylic paints.


Should have hoovered the crumbs away....

Dave F.

Western Thunderer
Finished the bi-directional signal tonight, not before time I hear some ask especially Chas who is waiting to 'tune in' the servos.
By signal.JPG
The baskets do look a bit heavy but it's not so bad on the layout.
Just to do the 'Glue& Glaze' and the felt pens for the spectacles.
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