7mm The Derby Line: Basford North


Western Thunderer
Thanks Tony, that’s easier. The problem I faced (and may face myself if the meisterstuck ever comes to fruition) is the hand over of a particular loco/train from one controller to another, but you’ve avoided that issue.


Western Thunderer
I envy your goods yard ground cover. Is it real ash?

I had access to real ash at one time and have really missed using it ever since.


Western Thunderer
Larry - it's Tremendous ground powder with black powder paint mixed.

Getting 8 sets of point rodding laid was always going to be a bit of a challenge. The original plan was to thread the 1mm rod through sets of 8 way C&L brass rodding stools. The whole process turned out to be too impractical. So, some subtefuge was called for.. The rods are soldered one at a time using a temporary shim for spacing on to hollow 2.4mm brass bar. That and a brass strip are pinned to the baseboard with some brass rod that acts as a mounting spike. Then a half stool is soldered on at the end, each one just needs a strip over the top.
Just another 4 feet to complete.... but it does add that extra element to the infrastructure.

I'm tutoring the track making session at the Missenden Abbey modelling weekend - October 4th - there still might be spaces available.
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