The Chronicles of Canary Sidings - Eastern Eccentricity in EM

James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Looks even neater when you put the trunking lids on!
View attachment 219666
The CBus command wires are now in just got the second track feed plug and the stuff at this end of the box to fit and it's done....
View attachment 219667
I have to say George, that is a very impressive and neat demonstration of wiring! Resolution to self: don’t let George look under the Elmham Market baseboards!



Active Member
That is a proper job. Yes, trunking is very useful; the top covers are great for unblocking drainpipes! I've used some 16x38mm to create a sort of viaduct for my 2mm edge of room efforts. As this was first foray into modelIing I wanted to keep the cost and difficulty down. Faced with stone/brick card it works fairly well, and also prevents stock taking a nosedive onto the floor. It sits on some scrap wooden battens screwed onto the wall for support and kept in place with a few pins. Here's a test bit I made up, and a finished section with more card covering the wood batten underneath. I originally tried emery paper as ballast but then discovered double sided foam underlay and ballast which makes it robust enough to be picked up and moved about, and looks much better than the emery paper - I've used that more convincingly for road surfaces and shed roofs. 20240716_135522~2.jpg

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Resolution to self: don’t let George look under the Elmham Market baseboards!
Resolution to self.... Inspect when Nigel's back is turned.....

That is a proper job.
Thanks although it probably wouldn't meet the standards of our electrical team leader but nothing would....

On an unrelated note @ovener you are a very brave person posting photos of western region diesel hydraulics on canary sidings! This is one of the strongholds of the GER mafia don't ya know!;) :)) :)) :))


Active Member
Resolution to self.... Inspect when Nigel's back is turned.....

Thanks although it probably wouldn't meet the standards of our electrical team leader but nothing would....

On an unrelated note @ovener you are a very brave person posting photos of western region diesel hydraulics on canary sidings! This is one of the strongholds of the GER mafia don't ya know!;) :)) :)) :))
* Other locomotives are available... I'm actually more of a LSWR/Southern person (my 4mm plank is based on that), but I just like the look of Hymeks and Westerns, and in 2mm they are reasonably runners, sadly unlike most of the steam ones that I have, (M7, 3MT, 14xx, A1X and a 56xx. No panniers though.. :)

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Getting back on track.... More electrical stuff....

Once again the courier decided not to deliver parts so I'm unable as yet to install the boards at the end of the box.

But I've got the second pc the two track power connectors in now so that side of things is done.

Another thing I need to modify is the shield for the Arduino. This is adapted from some random electronics starter kit to provide connections for the servos to run the level crossing. The crossing is operated by code written by myself with help from my good friend Peter who taught me to code.... But this shield was made of or Skeetsmere MK2 and the header pins for the servo mean on MK3 that the cables protrude above the box.... Rats....

After much swearing I've been able to replace at least one header with a right angled one. Just going to wait for some day light cos my eyes are struggling with the desk lamp being broken.... Ah well another thing to fix...


Flying Squad
Looks even neater when you put the trunking lids on!
This is definitely a benchmark to aim for - plenty of inspiration for my next project.

As an aside what are the sources for the brass threaded inserts in the casing? - is it just an Amazon search? Likewise for the wiring numbered sleeves.

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
This is definitely a benchmark to aim for - plenty of inspiration for my next project.

As an aside what are the sources for the brass threaded inserts in the casing? - is it just an Amazon search? Likewise for the wiring numbered sleeves.
Thanks, really appreciate the kind words.

The boxes are from a company called flexgenix and the inserts come pre fitted. There were kind enough to tweak the dimensions of them for me so they fitted under the baseboards at no extra cost

Control boxes

The wire numbers are cable craft ones but many people make the same thing. Mine came from the skip at my old work but RS, rapid and other suppliers have them