So which of the three lads assembled around the oil drum is you?
I hadn't quite appeared then Dave
What I can tell you about the photo is that they are fixing poles in 40gal. drum with sand for flags or banners on the occasion of the Queen Liz's Coronation which would date it to 1953. The Guy in the shirt sleeves and bib and brace overalls is Tim Mathems who drove for my Grandfather(and subsequently my Father) since demob from the army after repatriation from a Japanese POW camp.
He was still working for the Family firm when I joined as an apprentice in the Seventies, he told me some scary stories of driving army trucks whilst under battle conditions, one of which involved a tank sliding forward, after the chains snapped, off the front of the trailer he was pulling ( no doubt with a Scammell) and having to jump out whilst the whole lot slid past him in a big flat mess
And what about that spare tyre
wouldn't get away with now.
CJN is/was a reg. for Southend-on-Sea.
ATB, Col.